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After another rowdy dinner like any other day in Hamji, I managed to sneak out of the dorm without Seungkwan throwing questions at me like an investigator. I never exactly told him that Ethan looks like my dead brother. I bet if I did, he'd bomb board me with more questions. 

I cautiously looked left to right, hoping no one was around and that Ethan was up in the rooftop, waiting. I pushed the heavy door opened and examined around carefully. There, with their back facing the door, someone stood looking deep into the twinkling skies. 

"Ethan Kim-sshi?" I asked, pushing the door wider so I could step into the rooftop as well. As I got closer, the figure turned around, shocking me for a quick second. My eyes squinted as I asked, "S... Sehun-sshi?"

"Annyeong, Kim Haneul!" Sehun, the boy from the same club I joined in, waved innocently at me with his usual, bright face. "I'm here to tell you that hyung can't make it today. He has vocal training outside of school."

"V... vocal training?" I asked. I almost laughed in front of Sehun because I remembered Seung Gi could never really sing. I guess Ethan Kim and Seung Gi are two different people after all. I must be wrong all these times. "You're one of his friends?"

"Nae," Sehun replied, bowing his head as he gave me a cute smile. "You have a face of a girl, you know?"

"I'm not as pretty as Kim Seokjin," I told him. 

"Oh, right! The winner of Mister Pretty 2014!" Sehun chuckled, shaking his head. "If only you were here then. He was doing his celebration ceremony. He danced the waltz with Namjoon in a ballgown. We had to delete all footage of it but it still remains fresh in our minds."

"Dance in a ballgown, huh?" I asked, throwing my hand that was slowly turning cold into my pockets, which were warm. It was chilly tonight. "Too bad, then. I'd really like to see that."

"I bet you'd want to. It's really funny," Sehun said, laughing again. "So, Kim Haneul—"

"Haneul! You promised you'd, er, follow me to the nearby convenient store before it's too late!" There was another voice in the rooftop. And then I felt a hand swing over my neck.

When I turned to my left, I saw a face that wasn't looking at my direction but at Sehun's direction. 

"Boo Seungkwan," Sehun greeted, giving him a quick nod. "You're finally out of your man cave now, huh?"

"Oh, you don't know anything so don't try to act like you know," Seungkwan sassed, rolling his eyes at Sehun. "You may leave now. No,"—as Sehun was about to say something—"we'll leave. Whatever discussion you and Haneul had, just forget about it."

"Boo," I muttered, looking at him dumbfounded. What's with this kid? 

"Come, Haneul." Seungkwan grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me out of the rooftop and down the stairs. Once we were downstairs and in our dorm, Seungkwan threw me on the blue couch, looking somewhat mad. "Are you kimbap kidding?"

"What?" I asked, flabbergasted. "What kimbap? Do you want kimbap right now? You did mention about a convenient store. So you must want triangle kimbap. Those are really good. I know a good store. Let's go before curfew—"

"Haneul! You're not listening," Seungkwan said, taking a seat opposite of me. He crossed his hands over his chest and pouted. 

"Yo, Boo, what's wrong with you? Why are you pouting? Do you need me to drag you out of the dorm to get kimbaps or something?" I asked him, raising an eyebrow. This kid sure is weird. It's like he came from another world.

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