Canada x Reader : Happy Halloween!!

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--- Warnings: NONE ---

This is the second Country x Reader short story featuring, CANADA!! I hope you like it~!


Halloween was your favorite holiday by far. This year, you dressed up as a zombie-bride and scared everyone you looked at, even Germany! [Though it was more of a surprise than scare!]

You where trick or treating by yourself, because everyone else had all ready made plans to go with others, which didn't really matter to you!

You felt someone's presence behind you and by the sound of their teeth chattering with fear, you knew exactly who it was.

You didn't even flinch when the person behind you attempted to scare you from behind by tapping you on the shoulder.


"Nice try, Matthew [Canada]!" You chuckled, as you turned to face a very scared Canada dressed up as a ghost, clutching a bag of candy close to his chest. The only feature of Canada's face that wasn't covered up by a white bed-sheet were his dreamy, violet eyes.

Canada sighed in defeat. "I can't scare anyone with this costume!"

"Maybe not," you mused, stepping closer.

You lifted up the sheets and your mouth dropped. His usually wavy, blond hair was slicked back and he was dressed in a tailored suit. And, to top it all off, a pair of fake vampire fangs.

"Mat, why didn't you tell me you were a vampire all along?" You asked, still locked in his gaze.

Canada blushed, "I wanted to surprise you..."

You always loved Canada, but whenever you tried to talk to him, he'd almost always run away. Was he scared of me?

"Canada, I have something to te-"

But before you knew it, he had already pulled you into a hug.

"____, I-I love you.." He stuttered, softly kissing you on the nose.

"I love you too, Canada!" You whispered, beaming from ear-to-ear.

Ever since that fateful Halloween, you guys started dating. You'd go to Canada's house every morning to make pancakes bathed in maple syrup. And for every costume party you went to, you both would always dress up as ghosts!!


Alright, I hope you enjoyed

Now you get to choose between:

1.) England

2.) Veneziano Italy

3.) Spain

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