Prussia x Lithuania : Blind Date

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Requested by gabby_abro. This was a challenge, mainly because it is quite a rare pair, if you ask me. And also there wasn't really any inspiration out there to help. Hope you guys like it all the same!

BTW, this is from Lithuania's point of view, something I'm also testing out with the Country x Country drabbles...


"Room 405..." I thought out loud, as I searched the apartment rooms on the seventh floor, "This will be the LAST time I will go on a blind date arranged by Poland!". Finally, I found the right door. I knocked twice before I was met by a pair of unfamiliar red orbs.

The albino standing in front of me was devastatingly strong-looking despite his open-book demeanor, reminding me all too well of Mr. Russia.

"U-Uh, I'm Torris [Lithuania]," I stuttered, jutting out my hand, in which I received a warm handshake in return, "Pleased to meet you...".

"Kesesesese, you don't need to use the formality with ze awesome Prussia!" The albino, apparently named "Prussia", laughed. I couldn't help but notice he had referred to himself in the third-person. Yep, never doing this again...

Prussia invited me in, where a candle-lit table for two waited, already topped with dinner. Well, at least the guy was prepared...

We seated ourselves, an eery silence emitting from all four walls. I took the opportunity to strike up a convocation, determined to at least make this "date" worth my while.

"So, what is your name? I get that you're Prussia and all-"

"It's Gilbert. Gilbert Beilshmidt."

"O-Oh. In that case, Gilbert, would you mind telling me a little about yourself?"

"Is this an interrogation? Loosen up, Torris!" Gilbert joked, but proceeded to tell me the basics about himself. He certainly seems very self-endorsed, but I guess the third-person reference was enough of a hint.

Prussia then looked me in the eyes, his red orbs not as hostile as before. No, they looked more...longing. I held my breath as he leaned closer to my ear.

"Torris, there's something I've been meaning to tell you since I first laid eyes on you," Gilbert mentioned. Here it comes.

I braced myself for the worst (or best), to find Prussia straightening my bowtie, "Man, you'd be lost without me!" He directed more to himself than to me. A look of disappointment crossed my face, but it disappeared before Prussia looked up at me and smirked again.

"Where was I? Oh yeah," Gilbert reminded himself, before crossing over the 1-inch space between us to graze his lips on mine. Things turned heated after that, as I kissed back passionately, Prussia following my example.

"I actually really like you. Better than any chick I've met!" Prussia commented breathlessly, I blushed at the comment.

"Likewise." I managed to say.

Note to self, thank Poland the next time I see him. If it weren't for him, I would have never met my future boyfriend. Funny, I never guessed that I'd turn out gay. With that being said, I'd never have it any other way!

"Torris? Where you day-dreaming on me...again?" My Prussian boyfriend chided gently. Realizing that I had stared off into space for a good five minutes instead of listening to Gilbert as he explained how his day went.

"Yeah, sorry. I was just thinking of the first time we met!" I replied sheepishly. Gilbert simply smiled, and kissed the crown of my head.

"You haven't changed, Torris!" Gilbert chuckled, which turned into a laugh. And, I laughed along with him.


Well, didn't expect that, did you? I hope you liked it, gabby_abro! Leave a vote or comment to show your support! (if you want to!)

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