Veneziano x Reader : Amber Eyes

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"Ve~, ____!!!" Feliciano [Veneziano] called out behind you before his arms closed around your neck. This was the fifth time he glomp-attacked you. You didn't mind, not one bit, Feliciano was your best friend. You actually had quite a crush on him, but he always seemed to be so attached to Germany, so you knew it was just wistful thinking!

"Hey Feli, what's up?" You reply, hugging him back.

"Well, I was just on my way home to eat pasta, and I thought you'd like to eat with me~! So do you want to?" He answered. Without second guessing, you accepted.


You always heard great reviews from Feli's pasta, so you couldn't pass up an offer to try it. As you stepped inside, you felt as if you never wanted to leave, like you belonged here.

"Hey, Feli..." You ask, ask you watched him prepare your favorite, Spaghetti and Meatballs.

"Yes, bella?"

"How come you never open your eyes to anyone?"

At that sentence, he froze up. "I-I can't open them to anyone, ok!!" He stammered. Only then did you remember. Feliciano opened his eyes only twice, once to Grandpa Rome, the other to Holy Roman Empire...and they both died. The two of you ate in silence.


As soon as you finished eating, you were about to get up and say goodbye, but Feli reached across the table and grasped your hand. He then made his way around the table to where you were standing, took a deep breath and opened his eyes.

His eyes were captivating. You couldn't move, it was as if you were in a trance. You never expected them to be so amber...

"Now promise me, don't die before me, I don't want to be alone forever..." He whispered, as he hugged me tightly, but lovingly.

"Feliciano, I-" was all you could manage to get out before his lips pressed up against yours. It was a soft kiss, filled with love. The to of you just stayed there until you broke off for air.

"Ti amo, bella..."

"Ti amo..."

At that moment, Romano burst in yelling, "Feli, where were you, I thought we were going to eat togeth-...", before he realized what was going on. He simply smiled and leant up against the doorframe.

You spent the rest of the night at Feli's house, in his arms. You two dated for two months and then you moved in together. And you both lived in happiness, knowing that you'd love each other for all eternity.



Ti amo = I love you

Bella = beautiful

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