America x England : I'm Sorry, My Love

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--- WARNINGS: USUK feels, proceed at own risk ---

I decided to do a Country x Country for you guys to check it out, see if I liked the approach. I hope you like it, I got the idea from a (Non-anime related) love-tragedy short story I found on FB ages ago!


"How much do you love me, England?" Alfred [America] asked his British partner, smirking irresistibly. The Brit snapped his head at the American, his face flushed red, before he smiled at the question.

England put down the book he was reading and walked over to Alfred, "Silly America, I love you with all my heart, more than anything in the whole world!" Arthur [England] reminded his boyfriend of many years, placing a hand on America's cheek.

America beamed and leaned closer, "How about a game? You will not be able to contact me through any means possible for 24 hours. If you succeed, I promise to love you forever and ever!"

He knew Arthur loved a challenge, and he accepted America's instantaneously. And after a good-bye kiss that felt like a lifetime had slipped by in a second, England drove home.

And for the next 24 hours, England did not text, call, visit, SMS or email America in any way, just like the challenge stated. In fact, he was getting ready for Valentines' Day.

Since the 24 hours ended on the 14th of February, Arthur was going to surprise America with a bunch of red roses, a box of exquisite chocolates and his best batch of homemade scones, *cough* petrified couch-stuffing *cough*. But most importantly, an engagement ring.

That night, England went to bed knowing that tomorrow was going to be one of the biggest milestones he'd ever face in his life, proposing to his soulmate, Alfred.

--- AFTER THE 24 HOURS ---

England burst though the door of America's apartment, "I've done it, America! I've survived a whole day without you! Also, I have an important question to ask yo-..."

Nobody home, no America.

England's cheery face turned puzzled and paranoid. "Where has he gotten to? He said 24 hours, sharp! Did he change the rules without me knowing?!" He thought, but he pushed all those thoughts to the back of his mind and searched the apartment high and low for America.

England opened the door to America's bedroom, "America? Are you in here- Huh?" He stood at the foot of the doorway, the scene in front of him he couldn't comprehend.

America was lying on his bed, no sign of life. He had two flags in his hands; England's and his own, as well has a note in rushed hand writing. This wasn't good, England started to hyperventilate. The engagement ring's box fell out of his shaking hand.

Once his brain regained the ability to move, England rushed over to America's side, trying to shake him awake. "No...gods, please no...not another heart attack..." England pleaded, tears threatening to spill out of his emerald eyes.

Truth is, over the course of their relationship, America only had one other recorded heart attack, on Christmas Eve some two years back. Arthur's stomach churned, he started to feel nauseated out of fear.

He turned to the note, folding out the hard creases in the battered piece of paper. It read:


You did it, Artie. I'm so proud of you,
I always have been.
I will keep loving you forever and ever, and
I swear, I'll stay with you for the rest of your life...
...Inside of your heart.

I'm sorry, my love...


England's tears blotted the paper and turned the inked letters into a stream of painful truth. America was gone, dead.


"America...why...? W-Why have you left me...for real?" England whimpered, collapsing onto America's chest, crying his broken heart out.

All the good memories, and bad equally, rushed though his head at once, as if he was living out America's death, his life flashing before his eyes.

He took America's flag out of his partner's hand and held it close to him.

Turning to the engagement ring on the floor; he picked it up, opened the seventh story window, and threw it outside with all his might, crying out as loud as he could.

"I love you, Arthur, forever and always..." He heard America speak, whizzing around to find America's body had evaporated into thin air.

Just like...Roman Empire.

England smiled half-heartedly to himself, relieved now knowing that somewhere, somehow, America would always be watching him from the heavens.

"I love you too, America...forever and always..."


Thanks for reading! Did you like this Country x Country drabble? Let me know what you thought about it in the comments!

While I was writing I was like:
" Noes, USUK feeeeeeeeeeeeeels!!! D,: "

Remember, I will take any Country x Country requests, just put down what genre and what OTP pairing you want ((Just NO smut or lemon, please!))

Comment, fan, vote and request!


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