Norway x Reader : Meet The Nordics

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--- WARNINGS: None ---

This drabble is set in the old times, remember that. I had a little trouble with the personality of Norway at first, but after changing the plot countless times, I came up with this. I hope you like it!


"WITCH! WITCH!" You were being chased by practically everyone in your village. Only minutes ago were you conjuring up apples and the like in secret, or so you thought. Time wasn't on your side, and the villagers were hot on your trail.

Using all the strength you could, you barreled down to the edge of the town and into the forest before anyone could catch up to you. Bark flew up at your face with every stride, dead trees tearing your clothes and scratching your skin.

Without notice, your foot got caught under a thick tree root. You fell down hard and bumped your head badly, knocking you unconscious.


"Hello? Are you awake yet?" A monotone voice asked, as someone shook your shoulders gently. You snapped open your eyes to find a pair blue orbs staring back at you, which belonged to a guy your age.

Surprised by how close the guy was, you jumped back a little, making your splitting headache hurt more due to the sudden movement.

The guy tutted to himself, rolling his eyes, "I am Lukas Bondevik [Norway], and what is a girl like yourself doing out in the woods at this hour?" You realized that the sky had changed from a sky blue to midnight purple. "Holy cow! I was out for that long?!", you thought.

"I'm ____." You replied. After he helped you up, you started telling him the morning incident.

Norway nodded thoughtfully, before grasping your hand and walking off-track. You tried asking where he was taking you, but Norway shot his hand up, signaling you to shut up.

Your legs were just about to give out before you finally arrived at a ginormous house. Was this Norway's house? He rapped on the door twice, before a tall man wrenched open the door.

The man's hair was short and very spiky, his blue eyes wide with excitement . "Hey, Norway's back! Who's this? Your new girlfriend?! Nice one, bro-" Norway punched the man in the face, knocking him back a little.

"Please excuse Mathias [Denmark], he tends to get the wrong idea because of his thickness!" Norway apologized, blushing out of embarrassment.

The two of you stepped inside, where you were greeted by three other guys. "Well, if she's not your girl, does that mean she's on the market?" Denmark asked.

With that statement, Norway let go of your hand, ran up to Mathias and started punching him repetitively in the arm.

"Mister Denmark and Mister Norway don't really get along together, but once you get to know them more, they are actually really nice people!" On of the three other guys said. He walked up to you and introduce himself and the others in ascending order.

The one who talked then was the shortest of the three, he was Tino [Finland], the one with the white hair was Emil [Iceland] and the tallest of the three was Berwald [Sweden]. You introduced yourself and started to mingle with the three nations.

"Well, since you are here, would you like to live with us?" Berwald randomly cut in. Everyone froze in place, even Norway who froze in mid-punch.

"Now that you mention it, I don't see why not!" Tino mused after some thought.

"I agree..." Emil added.

"It would be totally awesome if she could live here! Looks like Lukas is gettin' lucky- OW, THAT'S MY HAIR!!" Mathias voiced before Norway grabbed him by the hair and started pulling it.

You couldn't help but giggle, trying hard to stifle it before anyone herd you.

Lukas let go of Mathias' hair, walked over to you, took your hand and asked, "Well, I guess it's your decision. I hope that you'll stay- because otherwise these guys will annoy the hell out of me, complaining that you didn't agree to live with us!"

You looked around yourself. Everyone's eyes were full of hope. "I guess there is no other option, I've got nowhere else to go!" You thought.

You looked back at Lukas, smiling, "Of course I will live with you all!"

You heard a collective "Yay!!" from everyone, Norway simply smiled back and ruffled your [hair color] hair.

--- EPILOGUE ---

So from that day forward, you lived with the Nordics all under one roof. Sure, it got hectic a lot of the times, but you never regretted anything. It was true that your relationship with Lukas increased everyday. After you went out for ten months, Lukas proposed to you on the same day he found you in the woods. You had a grand marriage, followed by the birth of a baby girl who you named ____. She had her fathers hair and your [eye color] eyes. You and the other Nordic nations all lived happily ever after!


Requested by gabby_abro, I hope you liked it! Remember, you can always ask me to write a drabble with a nation of your choice! Just add if you want it to be romantic, break-up etc. etc.

Comment, fan, vote and request!

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