Austria x Reader : Confessions ((Break-up Drabble Part 2))

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--- WARNINGS: None ---

The song Roderich [Austria] was playing reminded you of the day he confessed his feelings for you. You stopped running and ducked under a nearby tree to catch your breath. And then, you began to replay the events of that one day...


"Why did you bring me here, Roderich?" You ask as Austria stopped outside the front of his house. You've never been to Roderich's house before, and you never expected to go anyway. Austria opened the door and led you inside.

"Welcome back, Austria!" A small child greeted, smiling wide at the two of you. This must be Chibitalia, Roderich was always talking about him.

"Italy, could you draw some water from the lake, please?" Austria commanded in a bored tone. Chibitalia nodded once, turned on his heels and set to work.

Without so much as a glance, Austria took your hand and walked you down a few corridors before stopping outside a giant doorway leading into a giant room. A single grand piano stood in the room, nothing else. Austria hesitantly let go of your hand and walked over to the piano and sat down in front of it.

Almost mechanically, you followed him over and stood a few paces behind him. He then began playing.

You gasped in surprise. You never expected Roderich could play something so beautiful. And it didn't sound like any classical song you've heard of before. You just stood there in awe.

After he finished, he slowly stood up and turned to face you. His cheeks flamed red. "I...I composed that song for you..." His words trailed off, as if what he was going to say next would be very hard to say.

He exhaled heavily, looked you straight in the eye and uttered, " you." He rushed his words, obviously he was to busy worrying about the terrible option of being rejected.

You had a thing for Austria, but there were two things that always stopped you from confessing. One, Austria was very lazy and carefree, those two traits never meant any good in relationships. And two, he was already in a relationship with Elizabeta [Hungary].

"Roderich...I'm flattered, I really am! But I have to ask about Elizabeta. I mean, she is-" You were cut off by Austria, his hand signaling you to stop.

"She was my girlfriend, but then she...she left me...for that god-forsaken Gilbert [Prussia]..." His mouth curved into a scowl when he mentioned Prussia's name.

Roderich quickly hid his frown with a small smile, "Besides, I thought I could be happier...with you."

He walked around the piano stool, closer and closer to you, until you were face-to-face (literally). He took hands and intertwined them with his. He leaned in and grazed his lips across yours.

Pulling you into a hug shortly afterwards, you knew this was going to be the start of a beautiful relationship...


Your eyes opened up, as you realized it was all a silly flashback. How naive you were back then, but it was to be expected at some point.

You guessed the only thing you could do now was to pick yourself up, get over it and move on.

And that's exactly what you did.


Hope you liked it! I guess whether people wanted this or not, I was gonna have to do it! I mean, I wasn't going to let go of such an opportunity to explain the past a bit more.

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