Lithuania x Poland : Classes With You

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--- WARNINGS: None ---

Requested by AmorClairLupin, I hope you're not mad at me for taking ages to write this!

Which reminds me, I'm going through and writing all the past requests I was given that I didn't get around to doing, so this is NOT a recent request, remember that!

Anyway, enjoy!


Torris [Lithuania] couldn't wait to find out what classes he had, and who he would share them with. He just prayed that he wouldn't be put together with Ivan [Russia] again, he wouldn't stand having to relive the awkwardness. Shuddering the thought of Mr. Russia out of his mind, he set his mind back on track; he was trying to find Feliks [Poland], his closest friend outside the Baltic Trio, so the two of them could find out what they had together.

"Aw, man! Now I've forgotten what class Feliks is in," Torris whined to himself, annoyed now that he had to walk down the next five flights of stairs to get to the administration desk. With his shoulders slumped, he started to trudge back the way he came.

"And it was really starting to become a tradition... we've been going to find out together since our freshman years!" He told himself, aimlessly walking down. When suddenly, Torris didn't pay enough attention to his next step and tripped over, taking someone down with him.

The two countries tumbled down the rest of the stairs, until they both fell in a heap at the third floor landing. Torris groaned, scrunching his eyes shut. When he went to inhale, he realized he had some added weight on his chest. 'It's probably the person I tripped over! I better say sorry.' Torris thought.

Angling his head so he'd be able to see the person, he opened his eyes drowsily.

"Oh my god! Are you, like, okay Torris?"

Sure enough, Lithuania found the country who was straddling his chest, was the air-headed blond he was so tirelessly looking for, Feliks. Nearby countries started to stare, a few taking photos. Torris could feel his face flush as red as a beetroot, not realizing Feliks had already helped him to his feet.

"Torris, I was looking, like, everywhere for you! I thought we had a tradition, you know, since we've kept the same routine for, like, ever!" Feliks pouted, his fern green eyes averted.

Then, as quickly as his emotions always change, he pointed down at his new uniform. "Like, doesn't this school dress totally make my hair stand out?"

Torris had noticed, and the fact only deepened his blush. It's not like he hated seeing his friend cross-dress, he was fine by it! It was just the thought that he actually liked it when Feliks dressed more like a girl, that was what made him the most embarrassed.

"I was looking for you, too," He added the next part carefully, "And yeah, sure, the dress does bring out the colour of your hair."

Feliks grinned, and Torris felt his heart slowly melt like chocolate. That was what really hit the soft spot in his heart that he held for Feliks. After saying that he should've been more careful, Torris grabbed Feliks' arm lightly and the two of them walked the last flight down to the second floor, where the message board filled with the lists of all the classes stood.

"Hey look," Exclaimed Torris, getting Feliks's attention before pointing to a list on the board, "We're both in Home Economics."

"And World History and Calculus!" Feliks added excitedly.

Torris sneaked a sideways glance at Feliks, something he often did when they were together, and smiled to himself. When Feliks looked back, they held each other's gaze for the shortest moment, before turning away from the thoughts they had.

'No matter how different we are,' Torris though, as they walked to the cafeteria, satisfied with their selections, 'One day, I will marry that guy...'

And even if Torris weren't to find out until years after their schooling, Feliks was thinking the exact same thing.


Yeah, I got the inspiration of this drabble from a Gakuen!Hetalia picture of Lithuania and Poland, and after tweaking the image a little inside my head, I started to write!

AmorClairLupin, I hope you still liked it, even though this drabble was late as hell getting to you!

Remember to leave a vote and/or comment (as long as it isn't a request) to show your support!

Until next time,

Hãsta la Pasta~!

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