Germany x Reader : Wasted

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--- WARNINGS: Low level swearing, alcohol usage, 12+ only ---

"Heey Germany~! Your face is so upsy-downy~!" You stated drunkly, your words slurred together. It was a Friday night, you caught up with your good friend Ludwig [Germany] and you just planned to have a few drinks. But Gilbert [Prussia] was also, by chance, there with Ludwig. And he thought it would be funny to mix-up yours and Ludwig's orders, so you were having way more alcohol than you were used to, hence making you drunk.

"Uh, ____, Vhat is the matter with yoo? Did yoo have too much too drink?" Ludwig questioned, supporting you with a steady hand around your back, in case your legs gave in. He then snapped his head towards the sound of Gilbert's laughter. "Bastard..." He said to himself, but he said it loud enough that you could hear.

After punching his stupid brother in the face, he lifted you up and piggybacked you out of the pub before you ordered anything else.

"Heey, I can walk myself just good.." You mutter, yawning as you started to doze off. Within minutes, you were out like a light. And for the rest of the way back to your house, Ludwig beamed.

"You remind me of Feliciano [N. Italy], always helpless..." He whispered to himself, and he meant it in a good way.


When you woke up, you had a massive hangover and your vision was so blurry, you could just make out Germany's phone number scrawled on your left hand. Germany's phone number? It must of been a dream... ((You called anyway, and the two of you went drinking every night. But sometimes Prussia would pull pranks on you and would tease his brother about his secret crush on you. Will you two get together? Or do you prefer just being friends? If you want me to write an alternative ending, just say so!))


Sorry if this was short, the original was deleted twice, so I didn't want to spend too much time stuffing around, so yeah.

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