Sweet Devils : The Land of the Living

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---WARNING: Mild alcohol and drug usage, Mild course language---

This isn't a pairing drabble, this is just a little story that shows the Sweet Devils through my eyes. Requested by FiorenzaMiracle.


The world above was never a topic Arthur [in this case, Devil!England] chose to think about. Though he was quite surprised and very curious as to why he found himself wondering what really was living over his head, and wanted answers. And he thought it would be easy enough, after all, he is the damned child of Satan and Prince of Hell.

Arthur sighed, "I can bloody-well see the portal that connects Hell to the Living World, but what goes on up there? Why is everyone so hush about them?" The young devil swished his black-arrowed tail, while his horned head bobbed as he walked across the volcanic tundra he called home. He so desperately wanted to know, that he would personally go to the Land of the Living just to understand how on earth they lived.

Raking a pale hand through his hair as red as wine, the Brit thought deeper still. "What if there's a chap up there who looks like me? Perhaps the above is an alternative universe-" But Arthur's mulling came to a haltering stop when he was interrupted mid-speech by a maniacal, chortling laugh.

Arthur narrowed his eyes at the approaching devil, keeping his tone sickeningly-polite, "Well, if it isn't the Hero of Hell and my single adviser himself! What brings you to me, Alfred?"

Before long, Alfred's [America's] laughter had simmered-down to a humorless chuckle, before the older demon flicked his ebony bangs to the side, executing a dramatic bow, "Oh, I simply overheard your thoughts on the Land of the Living, Your Evilness. For the love of Satan, why would one of the Devil's Sins and Satan's only son wish to learn about such a place?"

Trying to let Alfred's taunt slide off his back, Arthur straightened up and squared his shoulders. "Well, you heard me correct. I, who follows the teachings of my father, Satan, as the incarnation of Pride, orders you to grant me access to the Land of the Living."

Still keeping his confident demeanor up, yet his tone turned a little scared, if not horrified by Arthur's request. But Alfred still nodded in acceptance. "Very well. I, who follows the teachings of our sinful emperor, Satan, as the incarnation of Gluttony, accepts your wish. Come on, let's go to the royal meeting and we shall talk further on the subject with the other Allies."

Though he had held his tone somewhat light as well, Arthur noticed an unnatural stiffness that had consumed Alfred as he spoke. He had all the good reasons to. It was the truth that no one had spoke of the Land of the Living for more than two-hundred years, before Arthur was born, for the imperial Satan and his original Seven Deadly Sins, the ancestors of the Allied Sins that live today, had vowed not to speak of it or dire punishment would be the result of any demon who broke the pact. So Alfred had every reason to be scared of being sentenced a fate worse than death.

Upon opening the meeting-room door, the two demons were met with four other pairs of questioning eyes. Everyone was there, even Matthew [Canada] was seated, not as transparent as he usually looked.

"Ah, if it isn't Hiz Hellness, Prince Arthur! And your Advisor-slash-Captain of ze Guard, Sir Alfred. What are your excuses for being late zis time, mon amies?" uttered Francis [France], the incarnation of Lust, who was gingerly sipping on expensive wine while eying the two late-comers.

"Get this," Alfred started, sounding more confident and fearless than he felt, "Prince Pride here says he wants to go to...the Land of the Living."

After a moment on shock to allow the truth to sink in, the room was in total uproar. Everyone was shouting, cursing, forgiving Satan for such words to escape. If it weren't for Yao's [China's] manipulative words that sent the whole room silent, the reaction of everyone in the room would of never ended.

"Now, now, everyone! We should give this a chance! I mean, when was the last time Old Man Satan dealt a punishment on us for speaking of such things, aru?" The wise, but smooth-talking Chinese demon cooed.

"Shut up, Greed! We all know your only intention is to manipulate and destroy those around you for wealth and other such Vices!" Muttered the incarnation of Envy, Matthew [Canada], but obviously no one really took his word seriously.

"Alright, that's enough! I'm only curious, that's all. Now will you tell me more or not?" Arthur pressed, head-set on getting his answer. After a long and heated convocation between the four nations, they agreed to tell him.

The tallest of the demons and the incarnation of Wrath, Ivan [Russia], finally spoke as the convocation ceased to a background whisper, "Alright, we have come to an agreement. We will tell you all we know, but on one condition-"

But being a stubborn little devil-prince, Arthur didn't care of the consequences. He just wanted exactly what he desired; and answer. "I don't bloody care about stupid conditions! What could my own father do to me? I'm his legitimate son, he can't lay a finger on me!"

Ivan was stunned for being interrupted so abruptly, but slowly started to smiled mercilessly, "Careful now, young Prince. Satan may be your father, but that doesn't mean he'll dish out special treatment for you. This is the Devil you are talking about, da?"

Arthur stared hard at the tall nation, suppressing a gulp. He straightened up and told Ivan to continue, but did not dare swallow his pride.

"And that one condition is, that Satan himself made, stated you will be exiled from hell and set a task of killing someone -no, a nation- from the Land of the Living for their sins. Then, and only then, would you be allowed back home."

"But, in order to go, your horns must be cut short, and your tail, ears and fangs must be kept hidden at all times. Because you know exactly what happens to demons that escape to the Land of the Living without a proper disguise, don't you?" Francis chipped in, pouring another glass, locking his deadly serious gaze onto poor Arthur, who reached to his horns in horror. This time, he didn't bother hiding his fear.

Alfred saw this, and for half a moment, his expression showed his understanding. He knew the prince more than anyone else, more than his own father. He knew the dark secrets of his past that Arthur didn't quite know of, the dark lies his father had told him...

"I will take responsibility over our Prince," Then he added with his goofy grin that not many had seen, "Dude, it's the hero's duty to defend his princess at all costs..." Arthur knew Al would act like a smart-ass at some point, but the statement didn't cease to make him blush out of embarrassment. But a small, atomically small part of him was blushing out of love. He just didn't know how much love he felt.

"Well then," Ivan said, "When would you like to go?"

Arthur looked down. He had heard of killing simple minded humans, but not a country. Suddenly, he felt the weight of Alfred's hand on his shoulder, his way and the only way that he could talk to Arthur with his mind.

"Don't worry, you don't have to go through with this if you don't want to. I'm here, it's alright."

Holding back a scream of delight at his touch, Arthur shivered. He had to do this, he wanted to do this. But he couldn't let his feeling get in the way of his goals. Demons weren't supposed to have feelings, but incarnations of the seven Sins had them. That was one burden Arthur had to carry.

Reluctantly and regrettably, he shook-off Alfred's grip and replied to Ivan, his stare inhumanly fierce.



Aaaand, that's all for now! I actually liked writing this soooo much, Imma write a fanfic about it!

I hope you love it as much as I do, I love you guys, stay awesome like Prussia!


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