2P!England x Reader : Cupcake

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---WARNING: None---

Requested by FiorenzaMiracle, I had A LOT of fun writing this!


You nervously waited out the front of the local bakery, anticipating the arrival of your best friend. 'I hope I won't need to wait too much longer,' You thought, checking your watch for the sixth time, 'His shift should finish any second now!'.

Oliver [2P!England] worked at the bakery you were standing next to, and he pinky-promised that he would meet you after he had finished for the day. It was, after all, your [enter age you're turning/you've turned] birthday!

"Well, he said that he would bring me a surprise, I think he said it would be hand made...?" You mulled to yourself. Suddenly, the bakery door swung open, and there he stood.

With candy-floss pink hair and baby-blue eyes, Oliver certainly stood out from the crowd. He still had his apron on, like he rushed out as soon as he was allowed to, smeared with flour and chocolate-frosting. He was carrying his jacket in one hand, and something behind his back in the other.

"Aren't you cold, ____?" Oliver asked, tilting his head to the side. Before you could refuse, Oliver walked closer and dressed you in his jacket. Being so close to him made your heart pound in your chest, but his jacket was certainly warmer than you had ever imagined. And it's smelt like scented candles and irresistible cologne.

"But doesn't that mean you will get cold, Oli?" You smiled up at the Brit, who waved away your worry.

"Don't sweat it, poppet! You need it more than me."

Even once he said that, he edged a step closer to you, and added the next part of his sentence with a cheeky grin, "But if you want, we could share it..."

Taking your silence as a yes, he slid your left arm out of its sleeve and took replaced it with his slender, right arm. He didn't hesitate to wrap his arm around you, still keeping his left hand hidden.

"Is that my present?" You asked, pointing at the peculiar object in his hand. Oliver nodded, and finally revealed his creation wrapped in several layers of mocha-colored serviettes.

Your gift was beautiful. Inside the layer of napkins was a cupcake. And not just any old cupcake, Oliver had took the time to alter it to your liking. Choc-chip flavored with a helping of strawberry frosting, sprinkled with 100s and 1000s and a dash of chocolate shavings.

"Oliver... It's amazing!"

With a mildly-smug air about his achievment, he answed, "You remind me so much of a cupcake, that I made you one. You're sweet, you have a vibrant and unique personality, and," He inched his face a little closer to yours, holding your gaze with his hypnotic blue eyes, "you are very, very beautiful on the inside...and the outside. Just like a cupcake."

Astounded, you blushed like there was nobody watching, and smiled up at Oliver.

"Thank you...no one has ever done something as romantic as this for me before." You found yourself crossing the inch that separated the two of you, and kissed the unsuspecting Oliver.

The Brit was stunned, but quickly followed your act and kissed back, his right arm keeping you close.

You could've stayed like that for hours and hours. After you broke of the kiss, you halved the cupcake and ate it together. You could say that you learnt something that day, that your life is so much better when you have someone to share it with.

And at least this time Oliver didn't poison his creation...right?


I hope you all liked it! And you know what, I loved how this turned out. Extra special thanks to FiorenzaMiracle for putting such detail into her request, that alway makes my job easier in the long run.

And by the way, I will make a Sweet Devil drabble for you guys as well, which was also suggested by FiorenzaMiracle, so be sure to check that out as well once it's posted!

Aaaaand that all me, what about you guys? I'd love to connect more with my fans and followers, so why not? You can talk to me about anything; it could be about your ships and OTPs, any new anime that's worth checking out, maybe even a Vocaloid song recommendation? Don't be afraid to comment or PM, and even if I don't reply straight away (or if I don't reply it all), I still read and appreciate every single comment I get.

Alright, I luv you guy, see you next time~!

- Madison


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