Japan x Reader : The Other Half Of The Blade (FINAL PART)

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Wedding day request by LetTheStormRageOn, sorry for the long wait! Recently, with all of the school work and German studies, I've had an inspiration-block for this drabble. But somehow, I came up with this. I do hope you guys enjoy it all the same!


- Kiku Honda = Japan
- Yao Wang = China
- Kyo Honda = 2P!Japan


The cherry-blossom petals fell from their trees like pink confetti as you stepped out of the limosine to face the venue. It was as serene and tranquil as you had dreamed it would be. After signing the marital papers at the council office near Kyoto, you and your fiance Kiku Honda decided on a traditional wedding held at a Shinto temple knows for its beautiful natural landscaping and distinctive view over Kyoto. Kiku would arrive later, now was the time to get changed into the elaborate kimono that had once belonged to a grand emporer's wife; it was a wedding present from your Japanese husband-to-be's boss.

You were led through the giant archway and into the temple, where the halls came to a forked interception. To the right, was the groom's chambers, and to the left were the bride's. The event was held outside, where rows of chairs were placed neatly in front of a stone platform, where the groom and bride recited their vows, like any other wedding. There was also a grand Japanese willow in the center of the outside stone gardens, hung with handpainted lanturns warding off evil spirits and granting good fortune to the married couple.

Inside the bride's chambers, there were a group of four shrine maidens who were there to aid in the bride's preperation. One came up to you and pulled you gently to a bath of purified water to cleanse the body. They didn't say anything about the water being freezing cold. After you finished shaking in a long, silken bathrobe, your hair and makeup were done. The women painted your whole body from head to toe white, which declared your maiden status to the Gods. After they painted a thick red paste onto your lips and called it lipstick, they each helped wrap and tie the kimono around you. The sleeves were a bit too long for your liking, and you kept tripping over your feet when you were given a pair of geta to try on, but nothing could kill your mood. Or your constaint nerves.

It was every little girls' dream to be married and become a mother, but when you eventually got to that stage, things didn't always end in happiness. Months before you and Kiku signed the papers, the two of you both wanted a child. So you tried, and were rewarded with a positive pregnancy test. But only two months ago, you got your contractions way to early. You started to feel nauseated, had trouble breathing and couldn't stand or move because of a serious case of abdominal pains. Kiku frantically called the hospital, and they rushed you straight to the emergency room. The doctors made the decision that they could only save one or the other, so with great sorrow and regret, they removed your uterus and your premature baby with it.

Soon, the grooms' car arrived and you heard a series of foot steps rattling down the hall, a few of them arriving at your door. It was the Allies and the two other Axis members, bearing warm congradulations and small gifts like flowers and small bottles of sake. The bubbly Italian kept reciting love poems in his mother's tongue, much to the stoic German man's annoyance. Two other men, a Frenchie and a Brit you didn't recognise shook your hand and gave you their gifts, before one made a comment which started a petty fight between them, which the obnocious American joined in to after he declared himself as the 'hero of the universe'. Tied in with a quiet Russian that seemed to send the shrine maidens into a frenzy of terrified prayers, there was almost nobody in the strange group that you knew.

"Nǐ hǎo, young ____," A familiar voice drifted from the room's entrance, where a peculier Chinese man bowed, showing his respect to the bride-to-be, "It's been a while."

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