Iceland x Norway : His Last Smile?

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--- WARNINGS: None ---

Just to be clear, this is a BROTHER pairing, no kind on intimacy other than brotherly love.


My pounding heart matched the throbbing of my bleeding wounds, I was running to find security in the comfort of the house I called home. My throat felt like it was on fire, but I didn't dare to stop running, not even to heal my parched mouth with a swig of water.

New tears stung my already puffy eyes, blurring my vision as the droplets of salty liquid clustered at the corners of my eyes, before they washed over my cheeks and down to my neck.

I scanned the never-ending halls frantically, looking for a glisten of hope. Every door looked the same, nothing stood out. The door that I was looking for was nowhere to be found. All of a sudden, I lost track of my footing and tripped over my own two feet.

I met the carpeted floor with a thud, skidding a few feet in front of myself after the impact; the fall had worsened my already grazed elbows, re-opened the thin cuts running down my arms and adding new bruises to my beaten legs.

I tried to push myself up, but I felt to weak to even kneel. Falling back into a heap on the floor, I curled up into a ball and cried to my hearts content.

"What happened to you?"

That voice somehow miraculously invigorated me, whenever I was around Lukas, I felt stronger and more at peace.

"B-Big-brother?" I looked up, and there stood my true home. Norway looked over me apprehensively, crouching down to inspect my black-and-blue form.

"Tell me what happened," He encouraged, helping me to my feet and supporting my weight with his hands, "Mathias will tend to your wounds and will make you feel all better."

"I was just t-trying to reach the tippy-top shelf in the kitchen to get Big-brother one of Tino's yummy chocolate-chip cookies, but I fell and the bowl b-broke a-a-and-" At that point, the rest of my sentence was drowned out by my sobs.

Brother's features softened, and he gave me his warmest smile, "My, what are we going to do with you, Emil?"

"...That was his last smile to this day. Well, it was at least the last time I saw him smile..." I thought, and with that I concluded my reminiscence.

Now only properly waking-up, I sluggishly pushed myself up to a sitting position on the couch I had been daydreaming on. "Lukas is probably still out with the others. But, he would've come back by now anyway. I wonder what's holding him up?"

"Oh well, no use worrying about that guy, I might as well go home! I don't need to wait until they all get back!" I argued with myself, I could feel a blush coming on. I don't need to rely on my brother, I'm not a child anymore. So why should I be here, when I could be spending my time in my house?

Before I could make my way out, the door was opened from outside. Norway stood there, looking at the ground in an odd attempt of containing his happiness. Wait...happiness?

"Uh...Big-brother?" I earned a mental facepalm at how I called my brother.

Norway looked up, and there he had the most genuine, most happiest smile on his face. Only then did I realize what he was so happy about. I ran to the doorway and gaped at Lukas's hand.

An engagement ring.

"Surprise, Icey!" A familiar Dane announced, "Yep, your bro and I are getting married!"



Hahahaha, I could just imagine the look on Emil's face when he was told the great news! Yeah, so it's more DenNor than what the title claims, but I think the drabble touches on the relationship shared between Emil and Lukas more than one of my OTPs.

Note: I'm still not accepting requests at the moment, though you can put down who you want in advance so you'll be put close to the top priority on my list of drabbles to write!

I hope you liked it!! Bye!! :3

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