Hong Kong x Reader : The Last Challenger

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---WARNINGS: None---

As requested by kimmyartermisthornton. The inspiration came to me quicker than I expected, and I hope you enjoy!


Li Xiao Chun = Hong Kong

Kiku = Japan

Yong Soo = South Korea

Yao = China

Mei = Taiwan


I heard the sound of Kiku's cry, the sound of my very victory, as I jumped over his body and onto the next room, just a flight of stairs away. I could hear myself say "good match" over my shoulders, before I ambled quietly to the room's entrance, a set of paper doors in front of me. This was the last round, the final.

Master Yao's Academy of Martial Arts was the pinnacle of ninja training facilities, which at the time five years ago, instantly caught my attention as an enthusiast of Asian fighting-styles. Although for my first few years, I failed many of my missions and succumbed to a few broken bones here and there. But above all, I was picked on for being the only student without an ounce of Asian blood in their body.

But, Master Yao had faith in me, saying that if I trained hard and believed, that he was sure I'd become the new top-student of his.

Which is why he put together this tournament, using the battle temple as the venue, each of my four other classmates on each level. Mei was easier to defeat this time around, I guess she has more strength when she's surrounded by her older brothers.

The only rule of the tournament was to not kill anyone, so I knew the other three had to be following my trail. I slunk around the entrance to the new room, plotting my next attack and defense strategy. The only rule I followed for myself was always look behind you.

"I've got you now, ____..."

And this was the only time I broke that rule.

I swung around sharply, my face colliding with my opponent's outstretched hand. After I recovered from the knockback, I stole a fleeting gander at my attacker.

His auburn-brown hair was cut short on an angle, his straight-cut fringe displayed his dark amber eyes sublimely. With an expression carved out of stone, there was only one answer to who my last opponent was.

"Chun Li Xiao." I growled, crouching low to fend off any surprise attacks.

"Yes, we meet again, ____," Li smiled slyly, reaching behind his back and pulling out a set of dagger shuriken in the blink of an eye, "Though, you'll soon be calling me Master Chun Li Xiao when I've finished with you!"

Without a second's thought, I drew out my katana, aiming it for my opponent's weak spot, "What's my reward if I beat you?"

"Simple, really," Li stated, having moved so quickly I didn't take it that he had moved at all until he was inches away from my face, "You'll become top of the class, and everyone in the school will accept you more honorably."

"And if you win?" I asked, keeping my tone sharp and steely as my sword, narrowing my eyes.

Li grinned, tracing lines on my neck with one of his blades, "You'll have to go on a date with me."

Blushing a bright pink, I made a mid-kick to Li's left side when he wasn't paying attention, and the battle began.

With Li's shuriken clasped between his fingers like claws, he advanced on me like a tiger chasing his prey. He slashed at my arm, shreading the light material of my ninja uniform.

"Damn, and this was my good set! That bastard is gonna pay!" I thought, counter-feinting Li's strike at my face, catching him round the back and sliced my katana diagonally across his back, inflicting a cut.

I flinched at what I had done, and then did a double-take. Why am I concerned for him whenever I hurt him? This always happens when I go against Li in a fight, training or tournament.

Li spotted that I had stopped my offence, and smirked, "Now, ____, you know you should never falter your attacks against your opponent!"

And when I had least expected it, with a high-kick, Li struck me down to the ground.

Without a further word, Li straddled me, placing his hands on either sides of my head, so that I had no way of escaping. But I was frozen, not from fear, but in captivation.

I had no idea how handsome Li was close-up, for I had most of the time seen him from afar. Having him this close, so close that I could feel the warmth of his deep breaths as they caressed my cheeks.

"____," Li started, his eyes darted around nervously, yet he kept the rest of his body calm, "If I had a flower for every time I thought of you...I could walk through my garden forever and ever."

I already knew where he was going and simply added an, "I love you too, Li.", before I cupped my hands around Li's face, brought his face inches closer to mine, and kissed him.

After I broke off the kiss, I stared into Li's eyes, and smiled. "So, I guess I owe you a date, right?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. Li nodded quickly, his tough-guy act breaking away to his true, shy nature.

We just stayed like that for a while, even though Li was stunned by my direct approach, he soon took the lead and started kissing me again. What we didn't know was that Master Yao had been watching our performance this whole time from his office, and so were Mei, Yong Soo and Kiku from around a nearby corner.

From his quarters at the top of the temple, Yao chuckled to himself and looked away from the security-camera footage, folding his hands in his lap and gazed out of window at the blooming cherry blossom trees.

"Two people in love, alone, isolated in their own little world," Yao sighed contently, "It's a beautiful sight, aru."

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