Romano x Reader : Forgive Me

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WARNING: Low level swearing, +12 only


"R-Romano?! W-Where are we going?!" You exclaim, as you tried to keep up with Lovino [Romano], his hand firmly grasping yours. You could hear him cursing under his breath, something about a "potato bastard"...


Lately, Veneziano and Germany have been hanging out a lot. In a way, you kinda felt sorry for Romano. He was always lonely, mainly because he was quite violent towards others, always swearing. And on top of that, he hated Germany.

You never really understood why Romano was always like that in public, but you knew he had a good side to him, you just didn't know how to reveal it.

But the really strange part was, Lovino never paid any attention to you. Whenever you tried to say hello, he'd always turn the other way and run. Whenever you sat next to him, he'd always ignore you and would shrug his shoulders if you asked him a question. And when you where being bullied and you tried to reach out to him for help, he turned you away.

So you had not the slightest idea about what was happening.

Lovino suddenly stopped in front of a restaurant, an Italian restaurant. He dropped his hand from yours as you followed him in.

"Table for two..." He mumbled to the waiter at the front door, as he led you to a table in the far corner, even though you were the only ones here.

The tension between you to was so thick, you could see it. Not wanting to be rude, you decided to try and talk to him.



"Why are we here?"

A quick flash of red danced across his cheeks before he hid his face with the menu. You sighed half-heartedly. This was going to be harder that you thought.

"Lovino!!" You shouted, that should get his attention.

"What, ____?" He replied, annoyance laced into his voice.

"Answer my question!"

"What if I don't want to?" You had just about enough of this act.

"...Please..." You breathed, slightly whimpering.

Romano slowly let out a long sigh, before he looked you in the eye and said, "I brought you here because I...I wanted to apologize..." He replied, his voice suddenly sounded way softer than normal, "For all the times I turned you away when you needed me most..." He dropped the menu down from his face, revealing his amazing amber eyes filled with guilt. He reached across the table and held your hand in his.

"Forgive me, bella..." All you could do was smile and nod in reply.

"Ti amo, Romano."

"Ti amo, ____." Romano replied, smiling warmly as his lips brushed up against yours.

You have finally found Romano's good side.



Bella = beautiful

Ti amo = I love you

Tune in next time!

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