Neko!Russia x Reader : Alone No Longer

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---WARNINGS: None (unless you think 'damn' is a swear-word)---

This was asked for by two people, though it really goes to lolminecrafter, it was also wanted by HeartOfGold15. So this is for the both of you, as well as everyone else who loves Nekotalia~!

Also, here are the names:

Ivan = Russia

Koshka = The fan-name for Russia-cat


You walked as briskly as you could through the snowfall, "Damn, it never got this bad where I came from!" Dodging another pedestrian, you fumbled with the zip of your bag, eventually jamming your hand into it and pulling a small, white oblong out of it. A folded and re-folded piece of paper.

Rushing under a nearby shelter, you studied the paper for a long while, before sighing exaspuratedly. "I can't even understand Ivan's handwriting, it's so neat compared to mine!"

Truth be told, you worked with Ivan through a distance course, but he insisted on meeting you in person. So he got one of his friends to give you his phone number and address. It was strange, his friend seemed oddly short for his age, and kept saying how scary 'Mr. Russia' was.

"Stuff it, I'll try his phone number." You mumble, punching your colleague's number into your phone. You waited and waited, and yet no one answered.

"Must have his phone on silent-"


Huh? That's funny, you haven't seen any cats around Moscow since you flew in. Then again, you were standing right next to an alley-way. Curiosity outbalanced your wit, and you decided to investigate.

Nimbly, you stepped over a few up-turned garbage cans and over-stuffed bin bags, your hearing on full alert. Suddenly, you heard the cat again, it was coming from another side-alley to your left. And so, you followed.

Not too long after you rounded the corner, you came to a halt.

Before you, crouched a large cat with long and thick dark fur. You notice a small band of white around his ruff, the only other color you could see on the cat. You sat down on your haunches, cautiously to avoid scaring the feline away, to search for a name-tag. Was it a stray, or just lost? You couldn't tell.

You finally spotted a small, silver disk hidden under several layers of brown fur, but you couldn't read Russian script.

"Hey there, big fella!" you whispered, in that awfully high-pitched voice people used when talking to animals. You held out your hand, which the cat sniffed at, before it nudged you, rubbing its scent onto your hand.

You took it as an invitation to pat it, so you gingerly stroked it behind the ears, while the cat emitted a deep, rumbling purr. The sound reminded you of a tiny engine, revving away as you gently caressed the cat's back.

"I see Koshka as made a new friend, da?"

You almost jumped out of your skin at the voice behind you, which would of scared 'Koshka' for sure. Glancing up over your shoulder, you were greeted by a set of gentle, violet eyes.

"F-Forgive me, sir, I-I didn't know he was your's..." You stuttered, as you stood up awkwardly. But the man simply smiled and picked up Koshka.

"It's fine, really. Koshka and I love making the friends with people!" The man spoke in a fluid Russian accent. Then his eyes suddenly lit up, as if he'd just remembered something important, or realized he had left his stash of vodka at home. Or both.

"I just remembered, have you by chance seen a girl around here? She said she'd meet me -we work together long-distance, you see, this is the first time I'm meeting her in person- and she seems like the most wonderful young lady from what I've been told."

You nodded, thinking it could just be a coincidence. I mean, it was impossible to be as good-looking as the Russian man you were standing next to, "Do you know what she looks like, by any chance?"

The man brought a finger to his chin, and tapped it as he spoke, "Hm...I've been told that she has silky [h/c] hair, lovely [e/c] eyes, and is said to really love cats."

That's when it hit you. "Ivan?"

The man let out a small gasp, "Da?"

Grinning from ear to ear, you stepped closer. Ivan did as well. "It's me, ____!"

"Wow, what I was told about you was defiantly true, ____, if not better than I ever imagined!"

You blushed, not noticing Ivan had stepped even closer, and had tilted your head up. That is, until he started to kiss you, injecting sweet passion into your body. His lips grazed over your's smoothly, as light as a cloud. Soon after you raked your fingers through his beige hair, he started to add more pressure, though the warmth of his presence never turned cold and cruel.

Pulling you closer into his embrace, Koshka had to jump out of his owner's grip to save himself from being crushed. But Ivan didn't take much notice, as he fixed his hand to support your back, while the other cupped your cheek. You shivered lightly at his touch, though the cold did affect your lack of warm clothes.

Reluctantly, he broke off, rubbing his neck awkwardly, "Sorry, ____, you just looked so cute, I couldn't control myself."

Shaking your head and blushing violently, you tried your best to persuade him otherwise without looking like a total goon. "Oh, oh n-no, it's alright! I actually wanted to meet you because...b-because I've really liked you ever since we started working together and-"

But Ivan pressed a slender finger to your lips, hushing you, "That's good, I'm glad you feel that way about me, because I feel the same towards you as well, ____."

Swiftly, he shrugged off his long, cream-colored coat and draped it over your shoulders. Not wanting to be rude, you gladly accepted it.

"But won't you get cold?" You asked.

Ivan chuckled, "I'm Russian, I'm used to the cold weather!"

"Come, ____, let's go back to my house, maybe we can sort out a permanent work position here?"

The proposal was like music to your ears. Taking Ivan's arm, the two of you walked back to Ivan's place; the big, fluffy Koshka trotting behind. The cat that started it all.

You knew, that for the rest of your life with Ivan, that you would be alone no longer.

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