England x Reader : Cake Fail

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"Hmm, lets see..." You mumble to yourself, trying to decipher the address scrawled on a page ripped out of a notebook.

Arthur [England] asked you during lunch time if you could help him with some "extra-credit" assignment in Home Economics. So he gave you his address and told you to come after school at 5. But now, you weren't too sure if you made the right decision.

You are kind of in an on-off friendship with Arthur, sometimes you were at each others' throats, other times you were inseparable. Also, one time, you confessed your feelings to him and he rejected you, right there and then. And on top of that, he was mainly hanging out with Alfred [America], so he usually had his hands full.

Suddenly, you heard and ear-splitting alarm blare-out from a side-street, England's street. Curiosity overthrew you as you ran to the source of the noise.

The smoke alarm belonged to a house, England's house. A dull, smoke smell hung in the air, making you cough. You tried to knock on the door. No answer.

You tried to open the door. And to your surprise, it flung open, making you jumped a little. But the next thing you saw was just as surprising and quite hilarious. Right across from you, in an open kitchen, was a very flustered England armed with a fire extinguisher, trying to get rid of the smoke and turn off the alarm. He turned to you at the sound of your laughter.

"Oh, ____, h-hey!" He stuttered, opening the kitchen window to let out most of the smoke.

"Oh, England, what did you you do this time?" You asked, laughing.

"W-well, I was trying to bake a cake, but I left it for too long..." England trailed off, his face flushing red.

"I figured that would happen, here, let me help clean up.."

"Thanks, love."

And with that, you threw away the now burnt cake and make cupcakes all night long~!


Yes, it was short, I'm sorry.

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Next up, I might do Romano or Veneziano

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