Chibitalia x Child!Reader : Farewell

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--- WARNINGS: Fluff ---

Requested by violethawk1969. Basically this is after Holy Roman Empire left to go to war, with the Reader comforting Ita-chan. I hope you like it!



"W-wait! Holy Rome!!" Italy cried as HRE was about to go off to war.

"Please, take this!" Italy handed his push-broom over to HRE, "It will help you remember me while you're away."

Holy Rome gasped, "A-A confession? Thank you, Italy, I accept your feelings...". Holy Rome blushed red as he stepped closer to Italy, "W-Well, what do your people give to their loved ones?"

"A kiss, I guess." And with that, HRE leaned forward and gave Italy a goodbye-kiss.

"Ever since the 900's, I've always, always loved you." Holy Rome added, as he broke off the kiss. "R-really?" Italy asked.

"Of course, no lie. Farewell then, Italy! I'll defiantly come see you when the fight is over!"

"U-huh! I'll wait, I'll always wait! Don't get hurt o-or sick, alright? We'll see each other again! We will! We really will!"

Just as HRE was about to leave he turned around and spoke the last words Italy would ever hear from him, "No matter how many hundreds of years go by, I'll always love you more an anyone in the whole world!"


"Huh? Ita-chan, what's wrong?" You exclaimed, wondering why your friend and fellow house-maid was crying.

Truth was, you were also under Austria's rule along with Italy, and before long, you guys became close friends.

"Holy Rome is gone, he left this morning." Italy sniffed, "And I don't know...if I'll ever see him again!" With that, Italy started to cry.

"Don't worry, Italy! I'm sure he'll never forget you, you will always be in his heart! I'm 100%, no, 1000% sure of it!" You suggested optimistically, dabbing your friend's tear-stained cheeks with a handkerchief.

After a few minutes of venting, Italy calmed down. You could see he really loved Holy Rome, and you were sure Holy Rome defiantly loved Italy.

"Grazie, ____! Your the greatest best friend I could ever have!" Italy announced, hugging you tightly. You comfortingly kissed Italy on the cheek, making you both blush.

Everything was going to be fine. I mean, after a hurricane comes a rainbow, right?



Grazie = Thanks


I got most of the lines between Italy and HRE from the manga online, if you were wondering. I hope you all liked it, remember, I will write any requests ((no lemon or smut, though))!

Comment, fan, vote and request!


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