Germany x Prussia : Goodbye Isn't Forever

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---WARNINGS: Mild course language---

Call it what you want, I don't mind if you ship or don't ship the Germancest pairing. This particular pairing in this particular drapple is a difficult kind to discribe; in some places, it could be called brotherly love; for others, it could be a relationship-driven pairing.

This isn't a request, but I thought this up while I was thinking of the stack of requests that I have to write! So enjoy!


Everything happened so quickly, that the sudden realization winded me, leaving me shocked, confused and breathless. The twinge in my heart only grew stronger, nagging at me, telling me that this was all my fault.

Without him by my side, I felt alone, like half of my body had wilted away, I was never to be whole again. I knew my people could feel it too, their families and friends, everyone feels exposed and unfinished.

But I didn't do anyting, I couldn't do anything, but stare. Stare at all I had left. Like they say, you don't know what you have until it's gone. Gone forever.

'Why, dammit why? I'm only a child, for God's sake! Please don't do this to me, don't do this to my brother!' I wanted to scream at my life, but my heart felt caught in my throat. The rest of my body had gone through things beyond what fear and shock would cover; I was frozen, caught up in the moment, slowly sinking.

I lost all feeling in my legs, and dropped to my knees, the squelching of Winter's snow beneath me. The ice greeted me with it's frosty embrace, as I hunched over and let my head fall into my hands.

Anger, bereave, heart-break, depression; all mixed together in my corrupting sorrow. Tears fell, I coud hear my cries echo in the distance, cries for my brother.

I couldn't bare all the weight of my great loss, and so I let it crumble around me, I let it engulf my very existance.

The Great Divide had come, The Berlin Wall that seperated us...

My brother the East, and myself the West. We were totally opposing directions.

Never to meet again...


I awoke with a start, hyperventilating and cold sweats insured. 'It was that dream again,' I thought, with the intentions of sitting up to bring myself back to my senses.

But I soon realized that brother's arms held me securely, defencivly. He knew that I was having the dream, he knew fully well. He wanted to go to all lengths to protect me, and hoped that it would all someday make-up for the times that he couldn't.

"Don't worry, West...I'm here, I always will be..." Brother's voice trailed off, getting fainter and fainter, his grip slipping from my torso., it can't be...he can't dissolve now!

I turned around to find him slowly slipping away, dissapearing for good.

"W-Wait, Bruder! You can't leave me for good, you musn't go-" But his lips silenced me, as my brother supported the back of my head with his free hand. It was the last thing I expected him to do, but I didn't pull away, I couldn't. It was as if there was an unseen tether that bound us together, a gravitational pull.

I was startled to find myself kissing back, what was the matter with me? What was this unconditional feeling that I had been holding within for so long? The urge to cry beckoned me, tears welling up behind my eyes. Hot tears sizzled on my brother's cheek, and he quickly, but hesitantly, pulled back.

"Don't be afraid to cry all you want, Ludwig, it's okay to cry ever once in a while. Even me, the awesome Prussia, tears up from time to time. I knew from the moment you were unified, that I would grow to love you - more than anything in the world."

"I can't say when, or how - but I will someday find you again. So don't give up hope, West - even if hope ever gives up on you."

Almost now the consistency of a ghost, brother gave me one lasting, passionate kiss and whispered, "I love you, West. And if I'm ever reborn, I promise to never disappear from you again."

"I love you too, Gilbert..." But he had already vanished. I couldn't hold it in any longer, I let out all of my emotions out at once, crying into the night.

But deep down, buried under all my doubt and hate, I knew he would return.

And until then, I will wait.

I will always wait...


:,( My feels, I can't even asdfghjkl;

I didn't feel like putting in the country name beside the human names ((like this: Ludwig [Germany])), because it would stray from the meaning of the story...and other confusing and hard-to-explain stuff. Also, I'm sure most of you now, who have been reading my drabbles for a while, would probably already be familiar with who is who and stuff like that.

Oh, and by the way, I'm in the process of planning an original story (key words: planning and original). I haven't even thought of a title or plot, just an idea. BUT, I can't tell you, you're just gonna have to wait until I finish it, then I might think of posting it all in one go.

Okay, you're probably bored of me talking, thank you if you have bothered to read all this. So, imma gonna go now..

Hãsta la Pasta~!

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