Romania x Reader : Jealousy and the Vampire

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---WARNING: Mild course language---

Requested by kimmyartermisthornton, I hope you didn't mind the wait!

This is wrote out as if you, the reader, were telling this story.


"I'm not jealous, ____!" Vladimir [Romania] exclaimed, baring his fangs in an attempt to scare me, it never worked, "Okay, I'm a little jealous, but that's not the point I'm trying to make!"

"C'mon, Vlad." I said encouragingly, but keeping a reasonable tone in my voice, "Can't you just accept the fact Elizaveta and Roderich [Hungary & Austria] are already in a relationship?"

Vlad pouted, crossing his arms over his chest, like he was a toddler having an argument with his parents. "It's just not fair, what does she see in him? What does he have that I don't?"

I huffed, annoyed at my friend's answer. 'It's not fair on me either! The guy I like, who happens to be you, is in love with my best friend!' is what I wanted to say, but instead I sighed.

Then, Vlad snapped his fingers, something he did when he had a good idea, "I know, I'll make Eliza jealous by going out with someone else she wouldn't expect!"

He made the gestures of looking around the room, before 'finding' me, "Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner!"

I crossed my arms and looked up at my now-not-so-humorous friend, secretly hoping that he wasn't joking, "Are you serious? I am absolutely not playing the part as your 'girlfriend' just so you can try to have a go at a girl you will never get!"

Vlad flinched, obviously taken aback, and then did a mental double-take, "W-Wait just a sec, ____, I didn't mean it in that wa-", but I shut him down and, using the time and circumstances to my advantage, I ran into my bathroom and locked the door.

"I don't need your half-witted excuses right now, bastard! Why don't you just crawl back into your coffin and leave me alone?!" I yelled back acidly, half-wishing I held back on my last sentence.

I could hear a familiar pair of boots clicking up to the door, a small knock, and the voice like honey I had always loved, "____, just listen to me, please? I was just joking, and you know I'd never hurt your feelings. You're my friend, and I would never even dare to leave you for a girl who didn't love me back."

I hesitantly opened the door, and I could see every drop of sincerity in Vladimir's hazel eyes, and I quickly felt bad for yelling at him.

A light pink blush clustered the apples of his cheeks as he added on the next part of his sentence, "And, i-if you want, I would like to be your boyfriend, because I know the only girl in this world; who loves me more than anything, is you. And I love you too, ____, I was just too bogged down by my past feelings."

It took my brain a while to remember how to smile, but I managed in the end, "I guess old habits die hard."

"And yes, I would love it if you were my boyfriend."

Vlad smiled back, and followed with an embrace, which I responded to and tightly held him.

After a few moments of just standing there, Vlad chuckled as he gently pulled my collar away from my neck, flashing his fangs once more, "Now, don't worry, this will only hurt a little..."


Heheh, anyway, I hope you liked this drabble! Thanks again to kimmyartermisthornton for the request, and I will see you all next time!

Hãsta la Pasta!

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