France x Reader : Secret Admirer ((Valentines Day))

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--- WARNINGS: Low level swearing, 12+ only ---

Thank you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much for voting!! It means so much to me. Without any votes, I wouldn't of written this chapter! Also, I'm setting up a new way for you guys to vote easier ((more info at the end of the chapter!))

Now, without further ado, here is the next Country x Reader installment, FRANCE!!


"Another letter?" You thought to yourself as you rummaged around in your mailbox. For the past week, you've received countless Valentines Day cards and gifts anonymously. You tried asking the other countries on who it was, but they were all as clueless as you were.

You carefully opened the envelope and tipped the contents out. A gold ring attached to a gold chain fell out alongside a note. You analyzed the ring carefully. It was real alright, but you noticed a strange engraving on the inside of the ring.

"...Mon amour éternel...?"

Oh no...

You turned to the note. It read:


Dear ____, 

I'm guessing you know who I am now by the ring engravings, 

but please do not hate moi! I need to tell you something important... 

Meet me in the park at 10pm 

Bring the ring and chain with you.

Love, Francis Bonnefoy [France]


You rolled your eyes and sneered at the note. Why would that pervert need to talk to you?

The truth is, you had a love-hate feeling towards France. You hated it when he acted all touchy-feely around you but you loved it when he acted all responsible. Also, his singing was amazing, but he'd always act so modest about it. But the one thing you absolutely loved about him, were his crystal blue eyes.

In the end, you didn't want to be rude, so you decided to go.


God dammit, where is that pervert? Probably off womanizing or just laughing to himself about how stupid you were to believe in his stupid letter.

You were just about to storm off home when an unfortunately familiar French laughter was heard behind you. Suddenly, two hands attacked your waist, pulling back. You couldn't help but yelp in surprised.

"Francis?! Cut it OUT!!" You shout, struggling out of his grasp. He reached into your pocket and took out the ring on the chain that he recently gave to you. He then released you and spun you around to face him.

"Ah, mon amour, you came! You look oh so magnifique~!" France exclaimed, his eyes sparkling unnaturally.

You sighed. "Why exactly did you bring me out here?"

France's face suddenly went serious, "Belle, I have always misjudged you, no? I feel like such an idiot now, because I've been barking up all ze wrong trees! You are ze only one for moi!" He replied in his heavy, French accent.

"I bet you say that to every girl that 'pleases' you..." You say under your breath, harshly. France's face broke with hurt. Maybe you over-did it with the insults. You were about to apologize, but his index finger was already placed on your lips.

"And for zat, I am so sorry..." He whispered. My god, he was serious. All of a sudden, your stomach released a thousand butterflies into your body as your knees went jelloid.

France then took your ring off the chain, got on one knee and said, "____, mon amour, will you marry moi?"

WHAT?! Was he for real?! Sure he was nice sometimes, but he was a womanizer! You noticed France was starting to tear up, and this time, the tears were real.

"Francis...I-I...yes!!" You struggled with the words, but you managed to get them out! Francis put the ring on you finger and jumped for joy. He embraced you in his arms and swung you around until you fell down from the dizziness. Thankfully, the grass around you broke your fall.

You spent the rest of the night in that park, discussing the wedding arrangements and how much the cost was. Every so often, France would lovingly kiss your cheek or lips, and you would always kiss back.


You and France had a happy marriage, everyone of the countries came to celebrate at your wedding. On that day, France vowed to never, under any circumstances, hit on another woman again, unless the woman was you. Two years later, you fell pregnant with twin boys. You decided to name them ____ and ____, because they sounded beautiful together. On the day of the twins birth, they both had your beautiful, [hair-color] hair and Francis' blue eyes.

And you all lived happily ever after!



Moi = me 

Mon amour éternel = My eternal love 

Mon amour = My love 

Magnifique = magnificent, gorgeous etc. etc. 

Belle = beautiful

Well, I hope you loved it! And yes, I added a marriage and babies, you're welcome.

Anyway, onto the "new way for you guys to vote easier" topic, I've decided you can vote for who you want, a brief scenario and if you want the story to be a love, hate or in-between story! Voting takes place in the comment section and I will make as many as I can!

Vote and stay tuned for the next Country x Reader installment!! 


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