Canada x Reader : Invisible

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--- WARNINGS: Course language, 12+ only ---

This is actually the second Canada drabble I've done, if you haven't read the first one, I'd appreciate it if you could get around to doing so. I hope you like!!



Your shared-apartment door slammed shut, making you jump. You barely looked towards where the noise had come from, all you saw was a pissed-off Matthew Williams [Canada].

"M-Mattie? What's wrong...did you have a bad d-" You stopped when he glared at you, his violet eyes ice-cold.

"I had a horrible day!! I am sick-and-bloody-tired of being invisible!! Everyone mistakes me for that, that asshole America..." He yelled, making you cover your ears. You weren't used to this kind of volume, especially coming from Canada.

He turned away from you and punched the bricked wall of our apartment, not even flinching at the impact or the pain, as his grazed knuckles started to bleed a little.

"Matthew Williams, please don't hurt yourself!" You protested, rushing over to the kitchen to where the First Aid kit was stored. He stopped you before you even got to the cabinet.

"Does it matter anymore?" Canada inquired, his voice becoming shallow and broken, "____, if I jump of a cliff and die, not only would I be reincarnated, but nobody would give a damn anyway! I'm a nation, ____, not a weak human!!"

He gasped in realization at what he said last, trying to bite back what he said. You had never seen Canada so angry, or upset. You had to do something, because you didn't want Canada to ever feel this suffering ever again.

"...Please...please don't say anymore..." You started, trying to keep your voice as level as possible. That didn't last long, as heavy tears clouded your vision, cascading down your cheeks like waterfalls.

You looked up to face Canada, his face shocked and hurt. You ran over to him, not caring about how he would react, and engulfed him in a hug.

You quietly wept, as you cringed into Matthew's coat. He pressed his lips upon your forehead, whilst stroking your hair reassuringly.

"No m-matter what, you w-will always be visible to m-me..." You managed to choke out, your hyperventilating refusing to cease.

"'s ok, ____, calm down...I...I love you, too..." Canada took the words right out of your mouth, as he lead you to your shared room.

"Here, you should get some sleep, at least have an early night." He advised, setting you down on your double-bed, pulling the covers up to your chin and kissing you on-the-full-goodnight.

You nestled into your pillow, trying to get to sleep. The next thing you knew, Canada was right next to you. This was just one of the many perks in your relationship.

Thank god you had each other, Matthew was the first and only boyfriend you ever wanted.


Requested by Lollynana ((thank you for saying pretty, pretty please x3)). I hope you enjoyed. I've decided that you can now quest for double-ups if you like, just not one after the other, if you know what I mean ^^.

Comment, fan, vote and request!


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