Spain x Reader : The Host

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--- WARNINGS: None ---

Sorry about the delay, I hope you like it anyway!!


"Hm, I wonder where my host family is..." You thought out loud, idling around the luggage pick-up area.

As apart of your gap year, you decided to spend a week in Spain. While in Spain, you'd be looked after by a host family.

While still stuck in thought, you didn't realize that you had bumped into someone, at least until after it was too late.

"Huh, are you my transfer student named ____?" The person you bumped into exclaimed, in a rich Spanish accent. You looked up to see a pair of emerald green eyes glancing back at you, that happened to belong to your host.

A host that was very hot indeed. Green eyes, olive skin, wavy brown hair, perfect features, this guy had it all!

"Uh, s-si Señor!" You stuttered nervously, realizing that you were staring at your host's chest longingly. The man started to laugh and ruffled your hair, before picking up your bags and motioning you to follow him.

"Hahah, you don't need to worry, Chica!" The man laughed as he loaded up an Ascari A10 with all your luggage, "English is my second language, easy as breathing!"

The man them made a surprised face and turned to me, obiously embarrassed, "I'm sorry, Chica, I forgot to introduce myself! My name is Antonio Hernández Carriedo, but you can call me Spain!"

Spain? Jeez, patriotic much? You simply smiled and got into the expensive sports car and you two were off.


When you arrived at Spain's house, you weren't surprised by the size of it. The giant, double-story mansion didn't phase you, the car was a big enough hint.

"Chica? Are you not impressed?" Spain cocked his head to the side, his perfect eyebrows contorted into a confused look.

You couldn't help but smile, "Of course I'm impressed, Antonio- I mean, Spain!".

Spain laughed again, and this time, you did aswell.


"Mmm, Spain, this is delicious!" You remarked as you dug into the home-made Spanish main-course, cooked by Antonio.

"You think so, Chica?" He responded, pouring you both another glass of Tinto de Verano. You nodded enthusiastically as you ate another spoonful of the main.

After dinner and dessert, you chatted with Antonio for what seemed to be hours which, to you, didn't matter the slightest.

"Hey, ____. Do you like it here in Spain?" Antonio asked, his demeanor suddenly changing to serious.

"Like? Heck, I love it here in Spain! It's such a beautiful country!" You acknowledged. Spain beamed at your praise.

"Hm, what if I told you...that you could stay here...for as long as you wanted?" He questioned. Okay, this one caught you off-guard.

"Y-You mean, live" You echoed, surprised. You couldn't believe your luck! And plus, you've already left home and the small apartment your renting looked like garbage compared to this offer.

After a long think, you agreed. And that's basically how you ended up getting married three years later and having four children; three girls, one boy.



• Chica = Girl

• Señor = Mister, Mr.

• Si = Yes

• Tinto de Verano = Red Wine of Summer, Spanish alcoholic beverage


Aaaaaaaaaaaand that concludes this drabble! I know, it's a little bit rushed, but I hope you still liked it! As you know, I'm extremely busy, and I will be over Term 3 with school and everything, so don't expect drabbles to be finished and published as fast as they used to be.

But never fear, I will do my best to finish as quick as possible. Until next time!

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