Male!Belarus x Fem!Russia : Cloud Watchers (Hetero-Challenge END)

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---WARNINGS: None---

The last part of the 'Hetero-Challenge' story-request-thingy! I hope you liked them everyone, especially you blackrosekiss!

Now, on the topic of Russia (lol, that subject-change fail), one thing I've noticed is that everyone is soo crazy over my Russia oneshots, one of them is even more popular than my USUK oneshot, and that one made everyone cry! Now I don't want that to sound conceited, so I want your opinion; the question of the day is, why are you guys soooooo crazy about Russia??? ^J^


Anya Braginski = Fem!Russia

Nikolai (Nik) Arlovski = Male!Belarus

Dmitri Braginski = Male!Ukraine


Spring had finally come, and it was worth the wait. As the snow depth decreased, greener hills dotted the landscape and the sunflowers were starting to bloom again.

This was the time of year where Anya and her brother, Nikolai, would walk to there favorite hill, sit underneath the lone pine tree and would start cloud-watching. They'd do this for quite some time over springtime, as well and tending to their sunflower field. Sometimes hours would go past, and the two would never notice. It was probably about the only time the two would ever spend time together without a marriage proposal.

Too bad that today was going to be an acception.

"Hey look, I can see a little rabbit in the clouds, can you?" Anya exclaimed, directing Nikolai to where it was in the sky with her finger.

"Hm, no, it looks more like a church to me..."

Anya raised her eyebrow at her little brother. Where did he get church from?

Shaking her head, Anya searched the sunny, crystal-blue skies again, "I see me with a bottle of vodka!"

Nikolai nodded thoughtfully, his expression still enigmatic and unreadable as always. Anya had a feeling he thought the cloud looked like something ambiguous to what she had just proclaimed, again.

"Look again, it's now a diamond ring." He said with such edge, that Anya had to look around again. She saw that half of the cloud had parted and now somehow looked like she was holding a cart-wheel sized ring. Well, she couldn't say her brother was wrong at least.

"Brother, where are you going with this-" Anya started slowly, before she realized Nickolai was smiling at her. And not one of his nice or creepy smiles, it was more of a combination. His smile was sweet, yet hiding the bigger picture of what he was smiling about. And Anya didn't like how the 'bigger picture' looked like in her head, and tried to rack he brain for a different subject to talk about before her brother got a chance to speak.

"Anya," Nickolai poured so much sincerity into his voice, that Anya couldn't escape his hazel-eyed stare for much longer, "I know I've been acting reckless ever since I came back to you after the Soviet Union collapsed-"

"H-Hey look, a duck eating ice-cream! In the clouds! Aheheheh...?" Anya blurted while pointing exasperatedly at the clouds above, her nervous laughter panning out to a moment's silence. Nikolai's eyes darted from cloud to cloud, but soon his gaze rested back on Anya, visibly pissed that he was interrupted for nothing.

"Sister, I would've liked it if you'd let me finish." Nikolai said curtly, a cold tone to his voice now. Anya let her hands drop back down to her lap awkwardly, and once he was sure she wasn't going to stall him any longer, Nikolai continued.

"But now, I need you more than anything else in the world."

Anya surpressed a groan of irratation, pinching the brigde of her nose and squezzing her eyes shut. Standing up in a ruffle of pink material, Anya brushed the grass and specks of dirt off her dress and turned to her brother, her stare unforgiving. "Nikolai Arlovski, for the billianth time, I'm not marrying you. Not now, not ever." She said bitterly, as she turned on her heels and walked back the way the two of them came, alone.

She didn't even cover ten paces before she heard the quiet, afraid voice of her brother that she hadn't heard ever since she was a young nation.

"I'm losing my herritage."

Anya spun around quickly, causing her to stumble a few steps backwards, "What did you say?"

Nikolai failed to meet his sister's gaze, and after walking briskly up the hill to her spot next to her brother, Anya saw the reason why.

Her brother was...crying.

"I'm l-losing my native tongue - m-my own economy is wavering more and more - and I still can't pay off all of the d-damage caused by C-Chernobyl...Anya, I'm growing weaker."

A lump rose in Anya's throat, and the terrible feeling of guilt in her stomach felt set in stone. She bit her bottom lip, averting her gaze to the side. 'What should I do?' she thought, as her brother continued to sniffle quietly at her feet.

Anya sat down on her haunches, and gathered her brother's form in her arms, something she'd never done, and Anya hated herself for waiting this long just to hug her own brother.

"Nik, I'm so sorry... I couldn't control Stalin in the War and he wounded you badly with the Russification, and I didn't help one bit by standing over you and influencing you too much throughout the years...then Chernobyl hit and I couldn't protect you!" But Anya didn't stop her confession there, as her voice cracked slowly and her tears started to drip down her cheeks.

"And now, it's going to be all my fault when your country turns into my shadow -or even worse, I'll be held responsible for your country's dissolving for the rest of my life!"

"Brother, I...I-" But before she knew it, Nikolai had brushed Anya's hair out of her eyes and planted a butterfly kiss on her lips. She knew it was incest, and Anya knew Dmitri would be absolutly mortified if he found out, and he'd defiantly tell General Winter...

But for that moment, her mind was only filled with one thing and she could only feel one emotion.

Nikolai Arlovski and undying love.

Anya had loved her own brother this whole time, and she didn't even know it.

Months past, seasons past, and all of a sudden it was next spring, and Anya found herself walking down the aisle on Dmitri's arm. More months past, and she conceived her first child, a little baby girl with Nik's eyes and hair. It felt too good to be true, the perfect life she'd always dreamed of.

And at that moment, Anya woke up from her fantasy dream-realm, and found the start of her new life on her bedside-table.

In the form of a simple, diamond-encrusted engagment ring.


Hope you guys enjoyed this oneshot, and please let me know if you liked it.

For now, I luv you guys, and I'll see you all right here, next time!

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