Iceland x Reader : Big Brother

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--- WARNINGS: None ---

I thought I'd take a break from the romance with this one, but don't be disheartened! Just read on, I hope you like it anyway!


It was a normal day at the Nordic's residence, Lukas [Norway] and Mathias [Denmark] were having a disagreement about something unreadable through their shouting, Tino [Finland] was trying to break them up, while Berwald [Sweden] and Emil [Iceland] sat back and enjoyed the show.

Yep, just normal. That is, until you walk in the door.

"Welcome home, ____!" Tino greeted, trying his best to be heard over Norway and Denmark's bickering.

"Hey Tino, I see you had your hands full while I was gone!" You commented, breaking up the two.

"Oh, it's no problem. Mister Norway and Mister Denmark are always at each others throats." Tino replied. The two of you laughed. You had a night-shift job in the city, so it was hard to find time to come home.

You helped prepare dinner, and you ate as a family. All the six of you.


"Um, hey ____?" Emil started, staring down at the kitchen floor as you washed the dishes.


"Well, I was wondering if you could help me...with Norway. You see, we had a falling out while you were gone and I want him to see that I'm sorry." He explained, sincere.

You nodded thoughtfully, processing what he said, "What happened?"

Emil sucked in a breath and exhaled loudly, "I told him that I didn't want to be his brother, and that I wished we weren't related. Which caused Norway to go off at Denmark, probably to release his anger..."

You winced empathetically, shaking your head. You thought in silence while you searched your mind for a solution.

An idea came to mind! You whispered it in Iceland's ear. As you finished, he grimaced and mouthed "Do I have to?!". You chuckled and reassured your friend that it would work.


"Um, Norway...?" Emil started, the two of you waited outside Norway's bedroom. Has you heard the door open, you quickly hid.

"Hm? What do yo-" Norway was cut off as Iceland hugged him around his chest, burying his face into his brother's clothes out of embarrassment.

"I'm sorry...big brother..." He choked out each word, every sentence getting harder for him to say, "I...I wanted to apologize for yesterday...when I said I wish we weren't...r-related."

You had to hold in a squeal when Lukas returned the hug, "It's okay, Icy...I forgive you...". Iceland's face went bright red.

"Hahah! Finally the two brothers are getting along! Three cheers for Icel-" You punched Mathias in the gut for ruining the moment, as he squeaked out a profanity, for which you punched him again, scolding him sarcastically.

Well, now everything was perfect...well, at least to you!


As requested by kimmyartemisthornton. With this one, I didn't have to plan it out like my other recent drabbles, I just let everything flow through how it came. And I wanted to have some brotherly love in there, your welcome!

Comment, fan, vote and request!

Hãsta la Pasta~!!

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