Germany x Reader : Wasted ((Alternative Ending))

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--- WARNINGS: Mild course language, sexual references, 14+ only ---

After piggy-backing you all the way back to your house from the pub, Ludwig [Germany] opened up the front door to your house by using the spare key under the doormat and stepped inside. He set you down on your couch and went into your kitchen to make two cups of decaf tea.

He carried them both out to where you where sitting and you both sat on the couch, drinking.

"Sorry about my big bruder, he is just a little thick vhen it comes to 'practical jokes'.." Ludwig broke the silence, apologetically. You may have been drunk, but you were still able to comprehend what he was saying.

"It's fine, Germany, I think Prussia did a great job at getting me drunk off my ass!!" You reply, laughing towards the end of your sentence.

"Yoo are so drunk." Germany muttered to himself

"You are so sexy!" You retorted happily and drunkly at the same time. Both statements were very true. Ludwig blushed heavily, his eyes wide open in astonishment. The only thing he couldn't understand was whether or not that was the alcohol talking.

Germany was about to protest, but you were already making out with him, passionately and slowly growing softer. Germany kissed you back, before you broke off for air. He then smirked smugly at you and before you knew it, he picked you up bridal-style and walked as quickly as he could to his bedroom...


"Uhh...where am I? My head feels twice its size..." You thought out loud, before realizing what had happened the night before. You looked down to see Germany's arm around your side and his other entwined with yours. You had slept with Germany.

You thought you would feel perverted and ashamed, but in fact, you felt happy and safe with Germany. And you wanted it to stay like that until the end of time.

--- EPILOGUE ---

After that day, you moved in with Germany. While you didn't always get along 100%, you both loved each other to pieces. Two years later, you got married and had a baby boy together who looked just like Germany. So, you decided to call him Ludwig, after the man you loved so much.


Alright, here's the alternative ending requested by animelova54

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