Denmark x Reader : Protector

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--- WARNINGS: Course language, sexual themes, +14 only at own risk ---

It's been a while since I've added some warning in my drabbles. I hope you like it anyway!


"Stop it, stop it!!" You cry, as Gilbert [Prussia] and Antonio [Spain] restrained you while Francis [France] touched you inappropriately. The Bad Touch Trio often did this, you try telling them to stop, but that solution is ineffective every time.

"Oh ho ho ho~!" France laughed, as he got closer and closer to you, slowly pulling up your top. You shut your eyes closed, unable to look any longer.


"Saved by ze un-awesome bell!" Prussia commentated, letting go of your arm roughly, Spain mimicking his moves. As soon as you were sure that they were gone, you started to cry.

Suddenly, you feel someone gently rubbing your back, comfortingly. "Hey, it's ok. I think you are beautiful! Those guys are just assholes..." Someone whispered.

You lift your head from your hands to see a handsome, young guy who looked your age. His blonde hair was short and very spiky, his eyes a bright blue.

"Here, take my number. If those guys give you any more trouble, call me and I'll take care of everything." The guy added, sincerely. You took a look at the damaged piece of paper you were handed.

"[random phone number] - Mathias [Denmark]"

You were about to thank Denmark, but he had already disappeared out of the room.

--- TIME SKIP ---

You are walking home, alone. You hear numerous, slow footsteps behind you, as well as France's laugh. "Shit, it's them..." You thought to yourself, as you picked up your pace. The footsteps mimicked your speed. You broke into a run, too scared to give a backwards glance.


Something hard hit the back of your head and you stumbled to the ground. You could feel the trio closing in on you. Quickly reaching into the pocket of your jacket, you yanked out your phone. Before you could even dial the number, Denmark cried out your name.

"____!!" He then noticed the trio and scowled at them.

"Oi, you guys wanna fight?! If you so much stir a hair on my girlfriend again, I swear to god you'll be in a critical condition for the rest of your life!!" Denmark shouted, raising a large battle-axe over his head- wait, WHAT?! Antonio, Gilbert and Francis all screamed and ran off the way they came.

"Mathias, you really didn't have t-" Denmark had already leaned down to press his lips on yours. It was a different kind of kiss. Passionate, soft and playful rolled in one. Mathias broke off the kiss reluctantly and stared into your eyes.

"You don't have to thank me or worry any longer. As long as I'm here, I'll protect you from anyone or anything who dares to hurt you," Denmark then smiled to himself, "Will you go out with me?" You were too shocked to speak, so you simply nodded.

Whatever kind of kiss it was, you knew it wouldn't be the last of Denmark's "ways of showing love" you'd get to witness!


Requested by animelova54

I actually really enjoyed writing this story, because of the fact that I thought it was a good idea to have the Bad Touch Trio involved somewhere in the story!

Remember, I'm open to any suggestions, just as long as I haven't done it (eg. Someone asks for a romantic Veneziano story) The example I used is already done, so please refrain from asking for duplicates.

Comment, fan, vote and request!


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