--- IMPORTANT UPDATE! ((More Request Options)) ---

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Alright, I've just got to make a quick announcement...

I am now expanding the request options, and here they are:


• Romance ((of course)).

• Tragedy ((it's a possibility... :/))

• Horror ((why not? Maybe I won't do to much of these, but it's still an option :/)).

• Break-up.

• Friends ((little to no fluff)).

• Marriage / Proposal / Wedding Day.

• Party/Holidays ((ie, Birthday party, Christmas Day)).

• Other genres that I can't think up of >.<

TYPES ((ie, the countries)):

• 98% of the males ((excluding a few because I can, not saying who... >.>)), including double-ups.

• 2P!Hetalia ((you're welcome! ;D))

• Nyotalia/Fem!Hetalia ((again, you're welcome! x3))

• Nekotalia/Neko!Hetalia ((why not? :3))

• OTPs ((Instead of Country x Reader, it would be Country x Country!!)). Including, USUK/UKUS, GerIta, Spamano, etc.

Just keep these in mind when requesting! I'm open to all suggestions!! Just put down the type first ((who you want, reader insert or OTP)), and then the genre in order to keep things simple!

Well, until next time!


[NOTE: I can only do one request at a time! So don't be disheartened if I don't make your request!! I'll say sorry now for any inconvenience in the future, okay? Just be patient and I'll get them all done!!]

Hetalia : Country x Reader and Country x Country Drabble/One-shot Stories Where stories live. Discover now