Male!Belarus x Reader : Be Mine

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--- WARNINGS: None ---

Hello everyone!!

Sorry, this was a little bit after the deadline, but to make it up for you, I will try and post both the drabbles that were requested, Male!Belarus x Reader AND Switzerland x Reader.

Well, enough of me talking, here's the drabble!


"Huff huff...where to hide?!" You thought as you frantically looked for a hiding place. Finally, you dove into a nearby storage room and locked the door. Whew- that was close!

Over the last couple of hours, you had attempted to evade a certain man. No, not Francis [France], but close enough.

Nikolai Arlovski [Male!Belarus] was chasing you around asking you to "marry" him. You could hear someone rattling the doorknob. Speak of the devil...

"____, open this door, please!! I have something to tell you!!" Male!Belarus exclaimed, clawing at the door as he spoke.

"Nonononononononononononono, please go away!!!" You protested, but Nikolai wasn't going to take 'no' for an answer.

With a loud "CRASH!", Male!Belarus smashed open the door with a lethal high-kick. You peeked a glance at the wreckage and Nikolai, shaking in your boots when you noticed the creepy purple aura emitting from his presence.

He started walking over to you cautiously, while shielded you face with your fore-arms. So this is how Russia feels on a regular basis.

"Go away, go away, go away!!" You shouted, clamping your eyes shut.

"W-wait, ____, please hear me out..." He started. You lowered your arms and opened your eyes at his drastic change of tone. He didn't sound as dangerous and possessive as before, he had quieted down to a whisper, you had you reposition yourself so you could hear him.

"I...may have been a little dramatic this morning, and I'm sorry if I drove you away. God, I feel like an idiot now," He paused and looked at you with his blue eyes, a half-smile playing across his face, "Look, I really love you and I understand if you don't share the same feelings."

He stared down at the floorboards, blushing a light pink. You picked yourself up and walked over to him, gently cupping your hands and lifting up his face.

"Is that all you had to say? You didn't need to chase me around saying "Marry me, marry me!" You exclaimed, laughing a little.

"I love you too, Nik." You added, planting a kiss on his nose. You swear that you saw Nikolai's face turn purple with embarrassment as you both embraced in that storage room, where a certain school crush transformed into a fully-fledged relationship.

EPILOGUE: After going out for 8 months, Nikolai proposed to you. The ring had the words 'Be Mine' imprinted on it. Sometimes, Nikolai would have a clingy episode every once in awhile, but you never let that come between you two and your family of five cats.


Lol, I just added the cats in there for fun. Requested by gabby_abro. I have to say, it's not one of my best works, but I still like it. I hope you guys liked it too.

Comment, fan, vote and request!


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