2P!America x Reader : One of a Kind

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--- WARNINGS: Low level swearing, the F-Bomb, proceed at own risk! ---

Requested by SexyGoldenGirl, I hope you enjoy! (( I hope that it isn't OOC... =_= ))

And yes, it's quite a short drabble! Gomen!


"Ban live export of animals!!" You shouted along with a sea of animal activists that were marching down 5th Avenue, protesting about the live export of cows, pigs and sheep.

Al [2P!America] had invited you to this protest as support, and you would never let down your best friend, especially for a cause you believed in.

At the end of the day, the protest was a huge success! Al drove you home to his place to chill. You had never, ever seen your American, vegan friend in such high spirits before, he was usually swearing about everything that pissed him off and would brood about how he would kill anyone who dared to hurt any animal!

"Hey, ____, uh...thanks for coming with me today, i-it means a lot to me," The 2P stuttered, "And don't you fucking laugh when I tell you this, alright?". He paused to see if you were ready to listen and you gestured Al to go on.

Al exhaled loudly, "Ever since the Revolutionary War, I had lost my only friend, my only real...love," He checked to see that you weren't laughing, before he continued, "I miss Arthur so much, but being a 2P makes it even harder to see him nowadays, not that I can even bring myself to face him. I just want to be loved, is that so much to ask? Won't someone lower their standards and date me? I know it's wistful, but I would kill to have a soulmate!".

You couldn't believe it, you just gaped at him. Al continued, his voice cracking more than once, "I may not have the nicest personality, or the brightest smile, or the muscliest chest...come to think of it, I'm worthless! I'm fucking worthless! Alfred is so much better than me, everyone aspires to be him...".

"No...no, that's not true, Al!" You cried, hot tears tumbling down your cheeks like Niagara Falls, "You mean so much more to ME! I love you, Al, I'd never want you to die!".

That was Al's turn to gape at you, his eyes watering up and his lip quivering, "Thank you, ____..." He managed to say through bursts of sobs as he gathered you in his arms and kissed you lovingly before he buried his head in your hair, "I love you too, and I promise I'll never leave you, like I did with England! And if any bastards try to hurt you, I'll kill them personally."

You smiled at that thought, hugging him back, "You surely are one of a kind, Al..."


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