Denmark x Norway : A Couple's Silver Lining

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---WARNINGS: Depression and self-harm references. Please don't read if you these are triggers to you! ---

For something78, and all you DenNor fans out there! Oh, and the country names won't be included, so if you don't know them, here are the country names and their corresponding human names:

Norway = Lukas (nicknamed Norge by Denmark)

Denmark = Mathias


An upturned coffee-table, couch-pillows scattered, pictures of us ripped to shreds, a smashed-in wall. I could hear the obscenities I was screaming, the kind words he was returning. I knew I had wandered down the wrong path, the path that drove me insane. Yet, I continued to smash and kick and cry on, subconsciously.

"Norge, please, don't do this to yourself-" The blasted Dane winced before he could finish, as I had cut him off with another backhand.

"Go on! Say it!" I screamed, my hands outstretched, "Say that you hate me! Say that I don't deserve you!"

Mathias looked at me, eyes full of pain, before he took a cautious step closer to me. I took another step back. "But why, Lukas? How could I feed you such lies? I love you, and you will always continue to matter the most to me."

Never, not even once did he raise his voice to me, not once did he ever hurt or punish me. He simply smiled, and said it was okay. But everything isn't okay. I'm not okay.

I had run away from myself, so my inner demons controlled me. I've been taken over by my own self, I've brought myself down. Why does it have to be this way? What's wrong with me?

I ripped at my sleeves, tearing down the shield that hid my mutilation; my self-harm. "Look at me, Mathias. Look at my weakness! I'm not fit to live as a nation, or even a human."

The Dane looked mournfully at my scars, biting his bottom lip to stop it trembling, "Norge...I know you're stronger than this, and you have every right to be living today. You belong here, no matter what anyone thinks."

That somehow cracked me. Shakily, I dropped my hands and fell to my knees, and even the sound of crunching glass followed by a wave of pain couldn't shake me. In a quiet, scared voice; much like a little, lost child; I tried my best to speak. "H-How...How can you say such nice things? You, care about me...y-you, love me..."

Before I knew it, Mathias' arms closed around me, holding me close in his warm embrace, "Yes, yes Lukas, I love you. More than anything and anyone in the whole, wide world!"

I could feel some kind of liquid treacle down my neck, where the Dane's head was nestled. He was crying, for me!

The man I hate -no, he is the man I love- helped me to my feet, and not a moment after that, he started to kiss me. Somehow, I found myself against the wall, my hands held high above my head, Mathias head-set on relieving his passion. I kissed back, harshly at first, but softened-out as I fell into the rhythm of his moves.

"You're beautiful inside and out, Lukas. Never put yourself down for being who you are."

And those words stuck with me for the rest of the day, the rest of that week, and the rest of the month and year.

I guess I've found my silver lining, at long last.

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