Prussia x Reader : Family

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--- WARNINGS: Low level swearing ---

This one wasn't requested, it was thought up by me! I hope you like it!


"It's the most awesome thing in the whole history of awesomeness! Well, second to me obviously!" Gilbert [Prussia] exclaimed, although it didn't answer your question as to what he going to show you and why you had to make time out of your busy schedule in order to see what was so 'awesome'.

Once you stepped onto Prussia's home property, he led you to his backyard. He pointed up at a large tree, saying the surprise was up there. Before you could start climbing, Prussia had already picked you up princess-style and was making his way up the tree at a surprisingly fast pace.

As much as you wanted to clobber Prussia, he had a very firm grasp. Oh well, you could always get Hungary to hit him over the head with her frying pan, it's 100% guaranteed to work!

At the top of the tree lay a nest. Inside of it a fat, yellow bird sat on her eggs. "One of my Gilbirds have laid two eggs!" He stated quietly, in order to refrain from startling the bird.

You blinked at the bird, surprised and a little ticked-off that you had to waste most of your afternoon, just for a bird. But instead of complaining, you smiled, "Hey Prussia, I can't help but notice that you're quite endorsed in cute things, especially for a 'totally awesome' guy like you!"

You started to laugh, much to Prussia's embarrassment. Gilbert blushed and tried to object, but he knew full well that it was true. In the end, he gave up and laughed along with you. You always felt so at ease with Prussia, even when he was an arrogant, egoistic asshole.

Prussia suddenly gasped in realization, grinning from ear-to-ear, "Hey ____, I just came up with a genius plan! I'll admit, I have liked, no...loved you, since the beginning of time! What if we...had child together? Obviously, he or she is going to have my awesomeness," Prussia then scooted closer to you on the tree-branch, his face only an inch away from yours, "And your looks..So what do you say?"

What? Sure you loved him also, but you never knew he'd be that open about it, let alone open about starting a family. Before your brain could find the right words to say, Gilbert tucked a stray bit of your [hair color] hair behind your ear, hesitating a little, before he cupped your face in his hands and kissed you. You expected him to be harsh and passionate, but his kiss was soft and full of love.

"Prussia...of course I'll say yes, but wow, you really want to start a family with me? You really mean it?" You asked after the kiss had broken off. "It's all 1000% true, I would never lie to someone as awesome and beautiful as you, ____."

You rested your head on Prussia's muscular chest, your arms wrapped loosely around his neck, "I couldn't be more happier, Gil," Gilbert rested his chin on your head while he traced baby names on the small of your back, humming the tune to 'Wedding March', "The Beilschmidts are going to be the most awesome family history will ever know!"


EPILOGUE: Four months later, you guys got hitched. And, soon after, came a little bundle of joy. A baby boy with silky [hair color] hair, his left eye red and his right eye [eye color], a truly unique child. Plans for another sibling have crossed your convocations, but the fact remains hidden. Who knows? Maybe you might have more kids, maybe the one is enough. All in all, you all lived happily ever after!


Well, I hope you guys liked it! Let me know what you think in the comments below. Also, don't be pressured to fan me, chances are I might fan back!

Comment, fan, vote and request!


I'm AWESOME!!!! 🌟🌟

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