America x Reader : Texas

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--- WARNINGS: Low level swearing, 13+ only --

This is the second America x Reader story I've written. I hope you like it!


"Hey Alfred [America]," You started, as you reluctantly tore your eyes from the novel you were reading to ask your best friend a troubling question, "Why do you ALWAYS wear your glasses? Heck, I've heard you wear them while you sleep!"

America had come over to your house to catch up with you, as all friends do. Now, America was quite an easy guy, but this question seemed to trouble him just as much as you.

He kept his tone light, but his face was hard. "These glasses represent Texas, one of my fifty states that make up the whole of America! I fear that if I take them off, Texas would disappear as a result. I know, it's a silly thing for a hero to be worrying about, but still..."

His words got harder and Alfred began to trail off. In your mind, you were weighing the pros against the cons of attempting to remove America's glasses. In the end, curiosity took over and you lunged for your unsuspecting friend.

America yelped in surprise, as he struggled to flip you off him without hurting you. Hey, the guy had inhuman strength, he could kill a man by pushing him! Okay, that MIGHT be over-emphasize a little...but still!

Eventually, America abruptly gave in and you yanked off his glasses before he changed his mind. Holy shit, he looked even hotter than before! But then again, glasses or no glasses, Al was always hot- SHUT UP BRAIN, STOP FANTASIZING!!!

You cringed when you realized what you were thinking, or should you say, fantasizing about, making your face blossom red with embarrassment.

"What is it, ____? Hello~~? Did you go off to la-la-land?" America asked, puzzled.

"It's just...I-I never realized you were w-without your glasses, that's all!" You stuttered, setting America's glasses down somewhere nearby. America's puzzled face turned smug as soon as you said 'hot', and without warning, he pulled your body towards himself and kissed you.

It was something like you had never experienced before. He kissed you passionately, teasing you with the tip of his tongue, before you both broke off.

"Do you promise to never disappear from me? Cross your heart, pinky promise?" America asked, holding up his pinky-finger suggestively. You giggled at his childishness, but pinky swore to never, ever leave him.

"I love you, ____. You will always be my Texas, and I will always be your hero!" He added more seriously as you both finished your swear to each other.

"I love you too, Al."

And that's how your healthy relationship started.


Requested by Lollynana ((yes, I managed to get this written and published for you!! You're welcome!!!))

I hope the rest of you enjoyed it! By the way, thank you soooooooooooooooooo much for voting! Right now, this book has received 31 votes, and it's all thanks to you guys!! If it weren't for my army of awesomeness, plus all my supporters that have read this book that aren't following me, I wouldn't be here.

Remember to request, until next time!

Comment, vote, fan and request!


I'm the HERO!!

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