Switzerland x Reader : Church Bells

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--- WARNINGS: None ---

I couldn't really hatch an idea for a proposal, but the underlying idea us still in there! I made this a wedding day, mainly because I wanted to try it out. Hey, it still has romance in it!



"Don't worry, ____, you're going to be a fine wife for my big brother." Your flower girl and sister-in-law to-be Erika [Liechtenstein] whispered comfortingly, as you fidgeted with the tulle over-skirt of your white dress, nervous as hell.

"I still can't believe that Vash [Switzerland] proposed, I'm so happy and nervous all at once!" You remarked, biting your lip to stop it from quivering.

It was true. Switzerland had been your faithful boyfriend for years, ever since you met as an exchange student in Year 9. He proposed three months ago, on the day of your 4th aniversary together.

"Oh, I almost forgot your wedding gift." Liechtenstein added, awaking you from your flashback. She rummaged around in her clutch bag and pulled out a blue, satin ribbon, almost identical to her own.

"Thanks Erika, you're the best." You murmured, while she tied the ribbon in a neat bow around a small section of your [hair color] hair. With a comforting squeeze from Lichtenstein's hand, she walked you to the chapel doors.

As soon as the doors opened, all the countries stood up. Everyone invited was there; the Axis and the Allies, the Nordics and everyone else. Amongst everyone, some were crying with delight, others were taking pictures, but everyone in the church was smiling the whole time.

Roderich [Austria] had composed a song for the occasion, the music filled the church with joy, as you walked gracefully down the aisle on Liechtenstein's arm. At the altar stood a just as nervous Vash [Switzerland], beads of sweat building up on his forehead.

Liech let go of your hand and took your bouquet of Edalwiess flowers. You stood next to Switzerland, mirroring his nervous smile.

"You look beautiful, ____..." Vash whispered in your ear, making you blush. The old priest stood behind the altar and began the ceremony.

The old priest cleared his thoat and began, "Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today to celebrate a new life. These two are to be joined by God, to live the rest of their lives together as one, until death do them part.".

The priest turned to you, "Will you, ____, take Vash Zwingli to be your lawful, wedded husband?" You nodded and squeaked out an "I do.", holding back the stream of tears that threatened to show.

"And will you, Vash Zwingli, take ____ to be your lawful, wedded wife?" Vash turned to face you and said, "I do.". You could hear Feliciano [Italy Veneziano], Lovino [Italy Romano], Antonio [Spain] and Elizabeta [Hungary] all crying tears of joy behind you.

You both picked up a glass of holy wine. "This wine represent their lives, both full of God's love," He tied a white ribbon around the glasses, "This ribbon represent their bond, their new life as man and wife. May they carry on their grand legacy to their children and grand-children. May their lives be filled with joy. I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may now drink the holy wine from God, and kiss the bride."

Finally able to release your tears, you jumped into Vash's arms and kissed him, as the countries cheered and celebrated.

At the after-party, you and Switzerland were bombarded with wedding gifts, big and small. The Italy brothers did all the food preparations, along with Francis [France], who made the giant 5-tier wedding cake from scratch. You and Vash danced the Polka well into the night as everyone mingled and proposed several toasts.

Amongst the present there were quiet a few weird ones. Gilbert [Prussia] gave you two a 7-foot bronze statue of himself in order for you to teach your future children about the "great, awesome Prussia!".

Overall, the day was a huge success. But what you didn't tell anyone was that in 9 months, there would be a lot of pitter-pattering around the house.



I hope you liked it. Requested by AmorClairLupin. If you liked this, please, give me a request and I'll be sure to write it. Look over the 'UPDATE' page to choose from different genres and who you want in the drabble.

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