South Korea x Reader : Gangnam Style

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--- WARNING: Mild course language, 12+ only ---

Lol, I've had this idea for AGES!! And I couldn't think of a better title, so yeah.



"Grr!! Yong-Soo [South Korea], give it back or I swear to god I'll kill you, you bastard!" You declared angrily, as you chased your roommate, South Korea, around your shared flat.

Yong-Soo had your iPhone in his hands, as he uploaded a video of you dancing the "Gangnam Style" dance onto YouTube before doubling over, laughing his ass off.

"Ahaha, VICTORY! B'wahahahahaha!!!" Korea hollered as he continued to laugh and laugh, tears formulating in your [eye color] eyes. You weren't crying because you were bad at dancing, but how Korea was rubbing it in a little too hard.

"You are such a JERK!" You scream, which made Yong-Soo stop laughing to snap his head in your direction, a stunned look on his face.

Before Korea could even open his mouth to speak, you yanked you phone out of his hands and ran to the bedroom you shared, locking the door behind you.

You fell to your knees, crying your eyes out while leaning against the door, your head in your hands. You could hear Yong-Soo talking to himself in Korean, in an apologetic tone.

"_-____, could you please open the door? I-I'd like to apologize..." Korea asked, trying to turn the handle of the door without much luck.

"Piss off, like I need an apology from you..." You retorted, wiping your eyes with your hands balled into fists. Korea fell quite, exhaling sadly.

"Please, I don't want you feel sad because of me." He replied more empathetically, breaking the silence between the two of you. You reluctantly got up off the floor and hesitantly unlocked and opened the door.

Almost instantly, Yong-Soo lunged forward and enveloped you in a tight, warm hug as he stroked your [hair color] hair. "Sorry, ____. I knew I should of asked you first if I could upload your video," He then lowered his voice to a whisper, "But I have to say, you can dance it better than me!"

You cringed into the folds of his hanbok, blushing a deep red. You felt a little better with that compliment as you lifted your head in order to talk to Korea.

But your words were cut short before they even began, as Korea kissed your nose playfully. Though you looked simply surprised on the outside, on the inside you were dancing non-stop to Gangnam Style 24/7!

And even though you were still mad at Korea and you expected to be mad at him in one way or another in the future, you knew that this would be the start of a new relationship. And who knows? Maybe you'll get married and have a family. But for now, you liked the relationship you shared with Yong-Soo as it was, nothing more and nothing less.



• Hanbok = Traditional Korean dress. It is often characterized by vibrant colors and simple lines without pockets.

Hope you liked it! If you want, you can ask me to do what ever characters you wish, even characters I've already done! Just include what kind of story you want it to be ((romantic, break-up, friendship, etc. etc.)) and maybe a bit of a plot line ((but that's only if you want to, it's just complementary!))

Comment, fan, vote and request!


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