Finland x Reader : All I Wanted For Christmas Was You

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--- WARNINGS: None ---

The day today was the 24th of December, Christmas Eve. The shopping mall was filled with bustling families and individuals, all chafing at the bit to snag last-minute Christmas deals on gifts and food. You were there also, with your boyfriend of three years, Tino [Finland].

This was going to be the first Christmas you would spend with Finland ever since you moved in to The Nordic's house January, 2013.

"Wow, it's so busy!" You exclaimed, as the two of you loitered around on the ground-floor, checking out what was available. Finland nodded, enthused.

You had already gone to five shops so far and had bought most of the countries a present. Suddenly, you noticed a line of people jutting out from around the corner. Curiosity overthrew the two of you and so you walked around to investigate.

The line was coming from a meet-and-greet Santa Claus photo workshop. You used to always bring a list of everything you wanted and you still keep the photos in a personal photo album.

"I wish I could see the real Santa. It's a silly thought, I know, but I can always dream, right?" You comment, as you walked past the workshop and down to some of the other shops before leaving. Unknown to you, Finland was plotting something big for you...


You woke up without Tino sleeping next to you, like you would find him every morning. Instead, in his place a folded-over note was perched on his bedside table. You picked it up and started to read it.

"I have heard of your wish, come down stairs to meet me! Santa Claus..."

In the blink of an eye, you leaped out of bed, ran out of the bedroom, down the stairs and into the living room.

Awaiting you was a magnificent sight. Floor to ceiling piles of presents, a home-made Christmas brunch and the man himself, Santa Claus. Huh, that's odd, for an old guy Santa looked quite young. And blond. And for some reason had very violet eyes.

It took you a bit to process, but in the end, all the pieces were put together. Finland was Santa Claus.

"Tino? You are Santa Claus?" You asked in disbelief.

"Indeed I am, ____!" He replied. He then looked up above him, staring at a piece of mistletoe hanging above the two of you. You both blushed before your lips grazed together.

When you finally broke off for air, you heard a collective "MERRY CHRISTMAS!!" from all around you. There were the Allies, the Axis and the rest of the Nordics. You exchanged confused looks with Finland before smiling and greeting everyone before settling down to eat.

Everything was great. Sure, Francis [France] and Arthur [England] were shouting and throwing food at each other, and Feliciano [N. Italy] was whining that there was no pasta, but you didn't mind one bit. These guys were your friends, your family.

Finland stood up, making everyone go silent. "Can I have all your attention, please? Many of you know that ___ and I have been together for three years. She is my life, my soulmate, and I have a very big question to ask her..."

Finland turned to you, reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box, opened it to reveal a priceless diamond ring, got down on one knee and said, "____, will you marry me?".

Everyone gasped, some cheered and the rest clapped. You nodded in response, tearing up. The ring fitted perfectly. This has been the best Christmas of my life!


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