Poland x Reader : I Love You For Who You Are

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Requested by BlueberryNinja101. I hope you guys and gals like it!


"Like, what do you think, ____? Don't I look the coolest in these kicks?" Your best friend Feliks [Poland] asked, twirling once on the spot. Poland was wearing a bright pink and yellow dress that swished this way and that every time he moved.

You always thought your friends' fashion sense was a bit, well...different. Feliks usually dressed up quite femininely, that included dresses and the like. Which didn't bother you one bit. I mean, you two are BFFLs, you'd never dis Poland because of the way he chooses to dress!

"Feliks, I think you look...wonderful!" You picked your words carefully, and you said the right ones at least! Poland's forest-green eyes gleamed and he flashed an irresistible grin at you.

"Eeeeee!" Poland squealed happily ((yes, it was a manly squeal >\\\<)), glomping you with so much force you both fell over. Somehow, Poland managed to land first in order to give you a softer landing.

"Sorry about that," Feliks laughed awkwardly, rubbing the back of his head, "But anyways, now that I have your positive opinion, I'M going to wear this at tonight's World Meeting! I'm sure everyone will think I look so dashing, and they'll all be jealous!".

You certainly didn't want to burst his bubble, so you agreed with Poland's plan. You could only hope the other countries would preserve that bubble as well...


You were waiting at the reception of the World Meeting building to drive Poland home after the meeting. You were thinking about how much you liked Feliks, and that you wanted to confess so badly. The only thing stopping you, was Poland's carefree and laid-back attitude about everything.

Your thoughts stopped dead in their tracks when you overheard quiet sobbing and whispered profanities. It was Poland. A wave of pain washed over you as you bolted in the direction of the sobbing.

You opened the door to a nearby storage room. Yep, much to your dismay, it was Poland. He looked up at you with a bereft expression twisted by his quivering lip and puffy red eyes.

"Oh Feliks, who did this to you?" You consoled, sitting down beside your friend, who you loved so dearly, whilst you rubbed his back soothingly.

"A-America and the o-other Allies were making f-fun of m-m-me! They told me that m-my dress was t-terrible and that I should b-be ashamed of myself." Poland sniffed, jolting every so often because of an annoying case of crying-hiccups.

He wiped his eyes before looking at you, a sudden tone of betrayal lingered in his voice, "I bet you only said that I looked nice to make fun of me! Well, did you or did you not?"

That hit you hard, causing your eyes to twitch as they filled up with tears. You forced them back before you answered, "Feliks, I-...I love you for who you are, that's never going to change! I've been meaning to tell you sooner but, I was just so nervous... Will you be my boyfriend?"

Poland put a finger to your lips, signaling to fall silent. He blinked, obviously shocked by the whole confession. You stared back at him, your [eye color] eyes full of hope.

His facial features softened, "Say 'boyfriend' again...".

You spoke accordingly, "Boyfriend...". Feliks smiled, inching closer to you, "Again..." He breathed.

"Boyfrie- mmph!" You whispered before Poland's lips crushed yours. It was everything you wanted in a kiss; passion, playfulness and tongues. You laced your fingers into Poland's silky blond hair as he held you close.

"____, you can call me by that as many times as you like," Poland added after he broke off the kiss momentarily, "Because I love you, too. And I'll totally keep on loving you until the end of time!"

You couldn't hold back anymore, you burst into tears of joy. And that's how your relationship grew into a marriage two years later!


I hope you liked it! If you want, anyone can request for any country x reader or OTP (country x country), so long as there are no lemon or explicit suggestions!

Comment, fan, vote and request!


Later, broskiis~!!

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