Romano x Belgium : Awkward (Hetero-Challenge)

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---WARNINGS: Romano's swearing strikes again! Includes the F-bomb, read at own risk---

This is the second one shot out of three in the Hetero-Challenge. Once again, here are their names:

Lovino (Lovi) Vargas = Romano / South Italy

Bella Maes = Belguim

Abel Maes = The Netherlands

Antonio = Spain

Feliciano (Feli) = Veneziano / North Italy


Everything is perfect. I had an amazing date with the most beautiful nation I've ever met, and I'm hoping to make the move tonight. Ever since I was a little bambino, I had always had a crush on Bella Maes. Sure, she was way older than me, and she still is! But eight years won't stop my decision.

"Oh Roma, this date was wonderful!" Bella exclaimed, as I walked her down her driveway. Yeah, it wasn't a church aisle, but I will get there soon enough.

"Anything for you, cara." I replied, squeezing Bella's hand in mine.

We got to the front door quicker than expected. I bent over and gave Bella a goodbye pash, but Bella had something else in mind.

"I'm not going yet," She laughed, tugging at the front door, "And neither are you. I want you to meet my big brother!"

Oh no, no, no, NO! I knew I'd have to meet that bastard someday or another, but not tonight! Just when I was going to move up a base- calm down, Lovi, it'll be over before you know it. Bella swung the door open at long last, and dragged me in.

"Abel! Abel, where are you~?" Bella called, searching around the first floor. I helped look around, though I really didn't want to.

After a while, I called quits, "Oh well, I guess he's not here after all-"


While walking backwards, I had managed to bump into something tall, muscular, and ominously terrifying. Gulping, I slowly wriggled around to come face to face with my worst, worst nightmare. His green eyes appeared to be glowing, his arms folded across his chest formidably. The vertical scar on the right side of his forehead probably wasn't the last remains of the battles he ventured. The worst part was, he was so protective of his sister.

Yep, I was having a stare-off with none other than The Netherlands himself.

"Ah, so you must be Lovino? The Italian guy my little sister happens to be dating?" The beige-haired man asked, keeping his tone light but suspicious.

Before I had time to squeak out and answer, Belgium bustled into the room.

"Good spotting, Lovi, you found him!" She scurried over and joined me in front of her brother, having to crane her head back to it's limits to see his face. Jesus, the rabbit-bastard must be 7 feet tall!

"Abel, this is Lovino Vargas, my boyfriend and brother of Feliciano. Lovi, this is my big brother, Abel Maes." Bella introduced, as I found my hand in Abel's firm handshake. He's strong as well, dammit!

"Bella, do you mean this guy here is the older brother of that Axis member Veneziano? I've heard he's so weak, that other countries didn't even bother with his land for a while..."

I set my jaw, clenching my hands into fists, "Don't you talk about Feli like that-" I spat through gritted teeth, but Bella stopped me from saying anymore.

"Chill, Lovi, brother didn't mean anything by it. He was just commenting, that's all." Bella murmured in my ear, defensively.

Commenting my fucking ass, he was! But I tried my best to simmer down, smiling up at Abel in a sickeningly-polite voice, "Nice to meet you, Abel."

"It's nice to meet you too, Lovino Vargas. I take it you've handled Bella with care?" The Netherlands said flatly, raising a perfectly arched eyebrow, returning his right arm to where it was before; folded across his chest.

"Of course he has, right Lovino?" Bella chipped in, annoyed that she was being left out of the convocation. I just nodded along with what she said.

"Hmph, well if I catch you doing any funny buisness, I'll personally deal with you. After all, I never really trust anyone who's friends with that jerk-Antonio..." And with that, Abel gave me the "I'm watching you" gesture and walked off.

After a long, awkward silence, Bella whispered something in my ear that I would've never expected from her. But I felt like this would make my relationship with Abel a bit more interesting...

"Come on, let's go to the bedroom and I'll show my brother that I have just as much entitlement to do what I want."


What some words mean:

Rabbit-bastard = A name I made up for Romano to call The Netherlands (same with potato-bastard for Germany)

Bambino = Italian masculine word for 'child'

Cara = Term of endearment (eg. babe, dear, baby etc.)

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