Japan x Reader : Cosplay

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You loved Japan. The history is so amazing, the festivals are interesting and cosplaying is always so addictive. You flew in just a few days ago in order to attend an anime convention. You cosplayed as [favorite anime character] and you received quite a lot of good comments. What can you say, you took cosplaying seriously, so obviously you perfected everything about your ensemble.

After walking around the different stalls in the expansive convention hall, you stopped dead in your tracks. Just a few paced in front of stood Kiku Honda [Japan], one of your many Asian friends. You rarely got to see him because you lived on the other side of the world, so you were over the moon. As soon as your body unfroze, you ran over to Kiku and glomped him, nearly pushing him over.

"Kiku-san! It's been so long since I've seen you! How are you? I never thought I'd see you again!" You gushed, as you blabbed on about all the anime you bought and the wonderful comments about your ensemble. Kiku simply nodded politely and waited until you stopped.

"U-uh, ____-chan, may I prease take picture of your wonderfurr cospray?" He quietly asked, holding up his camera shakily, blushing a bright pink.

You nodded ecstatically, as you posed for each click of Kiku's camera. He then showed you all the photos, you flushed red when he showed you the pictures he took of you, stating that you looked bad in all of them, but Kiku positively objected; saying that you were quite a professional.

You spent the rest of the day at the convention, buying anime replicas and figures for your extensive collections. After the hall closed, Kiku drove you to his house and you had a/an [favorite anime] marathon. The last words you herd before you fell asleep in Kiku's arms was, "Ai shi teru, ____-chan...[I love you, ____-chan]"


Hey all! Sorry I haven't updated in ages and that I this chapter was insanely short, but I'm a little behind schedule with homework and the like so, gomenosai~! [I'm sorry~!]

Next will either be China or Russia, but you can still send me requests!

Comment, fan, vote and request!


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