England x Reader : Pocky

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--- WARNINGS: Mild course language, slight sexual references, proceed at own risk ---

Random idea I got after a little inspo, hope you like it! Also, sorry if it's short!


"C'mon, ____!" Alfred [America] whined, pulling you up from the couch that you were happily seated on, your nose stuck in a good book, "Dude, what is the meaning of a party if there aren't any party games?"

The countries had invited you to a party at Arthur's [England] house and, being the nice individual that you are, you had to go just to make sure the countries, *cough cough* America *cough cough*, didn't try to do anything stupid. But if you had the choice, you would've hightailed out of this place by now!

"All right, but I still think it's a little weird that I'M the ONLY girl at this party..." You mumbled half-heatedly as you followed America to where all the countries were gathered in a rough circle. Yeah, you had a very bad feeling about this...

"Ok, so this game is called 'Pocky', it's where two people; one holding the Pocky stick in their mouth, the other eating it, are aiming to get as close to the other person before one of them breaks away. If you break away first, you lose!" America explained really fast, after pushing you into the middle of the circle, where England was sitting uncomfortably.

"America, I am going to kill you for this, you wanker!" England reminded America, his face red hot. Japan was also in the circle, judging by the looks of it. He handed you the Pocky stick, which you put in your mouth. Japan took photos as well, which made you that much more nervous.

England started to eat. The tension was so heavy, everyone could feel it. You couldn't break away, it was as if you had this gravitational pull between you. Your eyes fluttered closed, as you waited for the magic to happen.

As soon as your lips met, there was a moment of realization for you both, before the hot Brit was on top of you, supporting himself off the ground and holding you close with his free arm. You could here wolf whistles and the shutter of Japan's camera, but to you, they were all drowned out by a few words that England whispered, "I love you, ____, forever and always...".

"Hahaha! Yo England, gettin' in there, broha? That was sa-weeeeeet, maybe you could get her number, if you know what I mean!" America added to his already raucous laughter, obviously not reading the atmosphere around you.

"Will you let me kill him, love?" England asked sweetly, laughing darkly.

"Will you let me join you?" You asked, shooting a look at America that made his skin drain to white.

So, for the rest of the night, you and Arthur chased America around the house, threatening to take away all his burgers if you two caught him.


After all the countries left, you were about to leave yourself, before Arthur stopped you by grabbing your wrist and pulling you back to him gently.

"____, this night has made me aware of my feelings towards you, and now everything is clear. You are the only girl in the universe for me, I wouldn't have it any other way," He looked longingly at you, his emerald eyes full of hope, "Will you be the George to my Ringo?"

You smiled, "Only if you'll be the Colonel to my Elvis..". England mirrored your smile and pulled you into a hug.

From that day forward, you were boyfriend and girlfriend, not to mention that you moved in with Arthur shortly after. Most of the time, you cooked the meals. But every so often, you'd let England cook, and sometimes, he wouldn't burn what he made to an absolute crisp. Cooking aside, you two went everywhere together, there wasn't one time anybody saw you apart. You had to admit, though, England was the best boyfriend ever!


Well, there you have it! And sorry if I'm not updating as often now, inspiration just isn't on my side recently. But do not fear, I will try to update frequently!

Remember to comment, vote, fan and request!


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