Fem!America x Fem!Reader : My Fate

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---WARNINGS: Yuri warning, if you don't like yuri, I'd advise you to maybe not read this (there's nothing smutty or any lemon-moments, but it's just a precaution) And the story is pretty short from my perspective, I dunno about you guys---

As requested by ilovepewdiepie1. I thought I'd try my hand at writing some Girl's-Love (shoujo ai, yuri, whatever you want to call it) today. This is my first time trying it, so bear with me! I hope you guys like it anyway!

Names are here:

Amelia = Fem!America

Rose = Fem!England

Chun Yan = Fem!China


How did I find my soulmate, you ask? It was a Saturday night, and I had no idea that who I truly loved, happened to be right under my nose. Well, find yourself a comfortable place and I'll tell you the whole story.

After a knock, with a party flyer crumpled in my hand, a girl about my age swung the door open.

"Yo, welcome to the par-tay! I'm the host, and the heroine, Amelia!"

Amelia sounded genuinely American, with a mixed Southern-ish accent. Her shoulder-lenght, golden hair formed natural ripples and her blue eyes looked like those of a child; innocent and naive. I dared to take a look at her clothing; a white bandeau and a weathered bomber-jacket covered her top half, while a green, pleated miniskirt hugged her thighs. Not that she didn't look the type to be wearing such revealing clothes, it's just, I felt as if she looked cute.

"Quit calling yourself that, minger!" Shouted a particuly Brittish-sounding girl from across the room, before turning back to a group of mixed-race males and females who seemed to agree with her.

Amelia just laughed raucioulsy, "Don't mind Rose over there, she's always acting like a tight-ass all the time- oh!" The girl jumped slightly, reaching out to me before she pulled me into her house with such power, the two of us toppled over each other and landed on the floor, nearly crashing into a couple who where french-kissing on top of the nearby coffee-table.

"Oopsie! Sorry about that...uhm, this is totes awkward~!" Amelia exclaimed nervously from under me. I had to prop myself off her to see what she was referring to as 'awkward'. I felt my face heat up so much that my head would probably be mistaken for the sun, or at least a ripe tomato. Amelia's face had been pressed between my...urm...enthrallments, if you know what I mean...

I pushed myself up from the ground hastily, and hesitatingly held my hand out to help Amelia up, which she took willingly. In the heat of the party, no one had really noticed, but I felt as if everyone's eyes were on me.

"S-Sorry about that..." I muttered nervously, while grasping the back of my neck, downright embarrassed.

After an awkward silence, I suggested that we should get to know each other more over a drink or two. Which turned into four and five drinks sooner than I had expected.

"-so I finally regained consciousness, the cops were surrounding us; Chun Yan was holding the body, saturated in blood..." Amelia slurred, giggling after her question-provoking story, "So what did you do last summer, [name that isn't yours]?"

"It's ____, I've repeated that five times now." I sighed, still reasonably sober.

"Whatever you say, ____!" Amelia said, before she grabbed my arm, pulled out a Sharpie from god-knows where and scrawled-down a series of squiggly numbers. I'm guessing her phone number.

"Call me~~~!" The American sang shrilly, grabbing my dress-shirt collar and smashing her lips to mine. It was the weirdest, yet exhilarating kiss I had ever received and well, things escalated pretty quickly after it. I guess this was who I was born to later on spend the rest of my life with.

You could say that having sex with someone of my own gender, was incidentally my fate. And I'm so glad I found that out with Amelia, and nobody else.


So, hopefully you all liked it, especially you ilovepewdiepie1!

I dunno, if you guys want more, I can make more girl x girl oneshots and make them a regular among the boy x boy oneshots.

Anyway, I luv you all, and have a great day/afternoon/evening/night!

Hãsta la Pasta~!

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