Sister's Reunited

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Taylor's POV:

When we got the call from Vikki in that hotel room tears were streaming down my face as we ran to mom's plane and flew over to L.A. Once we got into the car, the motel that they were at was about 2 hours away from 5SOS's house well I guess you could say it's Vikki's house as well. 

Once we got to the motel they were gone and my mom was sobbing at this point on my shoulder and I was trying to stay strong for her. My dad was talking to the police to find out where we can go see my sister and Ash. As this was all happening I feel my phone buzzing in my pocket and I sit my mom down on the motel bed and walk out of the room to answer the call.

"Hey," I say into the speaker

"Is everything alright? I have a little bit of time before we go on stage so I decided to call," Toby replies.

"Thanks for calling. Actually I am in L.A right now cause Vikki called last night telling us that she was ok!" I exclaim excited.

"That's great! Did they find Mike and Ash too?"

"All I know is that Ash and Vikki are together and Mike made it to the hospital that I'm going to a couple hours ago," I explain.

I get interrupted by my mom tapping me on the shoulder, "Sweetie your sister and her friend are at the hospital. We have to go tell Toby you can talk later."

"Well I have to go. I'll text you if anything new happens"

"Ok bye tell everyone we say Hi and we hope they get better soon," Toby says and hangs up.


When both boys were gone it was just me, Vik and our parents.

"Vik don't worry about them right now. Think about it, your child that passed away is in a better place now and doesn't have to suffer, and you still have another healthy baby that is on it's way and it's going to be so lucky to have you as a mother," I say as Vikki starts to sob harder and hugs me tighter as well.

"C'mon we should go see how Mikey is doing and tell him the news," I say sadly helping Vikki out of her bed.

"While you guys go do that we are going to grab some food because I am starving!" My dad says and both my parents kiss Vikki on the top of her head and they left.

Once we got to Mike's room he was laying in his bed being fed some yogurt. He had a purple/blue bruise around one eye and looks like he had just got stitches on his forehead, but I bet his stomach and back looked even worse but I really don't wanna know right now.

"Hey Mike," I say softly as I park Vikki's chair in-front of Mike and I sit on the edge of his bed.

"Oh my god Vikki your ok," he exclaims quietly looks at Vikki and squeezing her hand for a slight moment.

"I am. I'm so sorry we lost you Mike...we were so caught up in getting out that we never waited for you," Vikki exclaims getting emotional.

"What are you guys talking about?" I ask confused.

"...We can talk about it once we all are better and back at the house. You are moving back to L.A right?" Mike asks.

"Well yeah my parents did say once everything is fine they would let me move back but Vikki doesn't have the apartment so where would I live?" I ask him now just wondering.

"You can always live with us Taylor. We have like 3 other extra bedrooms that you can choose and decorate to your liking," Mike says smiling.

"Oh my god Mike you're the best!" I exclaim hugging him lightly making sure not to hurt him.

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