My Cuddle Buddy

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Taylor's POV:
"Connor! Stop your gonna wake them up!" I hear someone whispering loudly. I keep my eyes closed just to hear more of the conversation. Then I hear a "click" and open my eyes when I hear RIley and Connor chuckling

"IM GONNA KILL YOU GUYS!" I yell as i detach myself from Toby but just as im about to get up and chase the boys Toby pulls me right back down beside him smiling with his eyes still closed

"Your not going enywhere because we are going to continue to cuddle until I feel like waking up." He says pulling me into his chest and putting his chin on the top of my head.

My stomach was doing backflips. Toby was cuddling with me and holy shit his morning voice was SO hot! I look up at him and admire his flawless face as he peacfully sleeps. "You should take a picture it will last longer" He says smiling

"What...I wasn't staring" I say with my voice going high and my face turing red. I shoved my face into the crook of his neck out of embaressment

"Awww don't be embaressed I was just joking." He says kissing the top of my head. Our moment gets ruined when we hear someone coughing at the door. We pull apart from each other and stare at Riley at the door with a smirk on his face

"Yes Riley?" Toby asks annoyed

"Breakfast is ready lovebirds" He says winking at us

Toby's POV:

She was so cute when she blushed which was a lot when anyone would metion us being together. She is a fan so i understand where she is coming from and I dont mind that she knows that we are famous cause she treats us like normal people.

We both get up from my bed and Taylor goes to the bathroom to change into her clothes from yesterday and I go to my dresser to pick out some clothes of my own.

You may be thinking that I have a huge crush on Taylor and to be honest im not sure. And im not sure why I pulled her back down to cuddle with my but honestly she looked so cute in my huge hoodie and all her hair was out of her face and put into a ponytail. I just don't know what came over me but I liked it.

She came out of the bathroom with her shorts on and my sweater still on and her hair into a higher ponytail. "Oh sorry I meant to ask you if I could wear this for the day" She says looking at me

"Yeah sure just don't sell it on ebay" I say chuckling


We were finished breakfast and we were taking Taylor back to her condo. Once we got there I walked her to the door and gave her a tight hug "Make sure you text me later" I say smiling

"How could I not?" She says smiling back at me

Taylor's POV:
I got to our front door and unlocked it. "I'm home!"

"Hey im in the kitchen!" I hear Vikki yell

I see her in the kitchen drinking some tea. "Hey how was your fun night?" I ask chuckling

"Not good. I think I may have slept with Calum. But the thing im confused about is he hates my guts! its just really confusing, but other then that I had a great time" She says laughing at her odd night

"huh weird. Maybe you didnt sleep with him? We can't just look at the negatives of this situation you also have to think of the positives!" I say smiling at her giving her a side hug

"Yeah. But how was your night with Tobyyyy?" Vikkis asks wiggling her eyebrows

"Oh...well we ended up watching a movie and we woke up cuddling this morning and Toby was acting all inocent and vulnerable and it was SO cute! Ugh it was amazing! Oh and he let me borrow his sweater for the day." I exclaim pointing to Toby's sweater

Vikki and I ended up talking the afternoon away just about random stuff and her trying to give me "dating advice" for Toby.

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