Chapter 1: New Students

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A/N: This is my first SNSD Fan Fic so im not sure if im good at writing because i think they're gonna be OOC (Out Of Character). Anyways, Enjoy!

Taeyeon's POV

I walked out of my house and made my way to my new school (that is not really near to me) Dongguk University. I just transfered here so im a bit nervous. Wait, no. Im really really nervous. Like, DUDE, i know no one here! But i know one of my friends studies here. I hope she's here. Let's just hope for the best and keep our hands close. I entered the huge school gate and saw many students.

"Calm down, Kim Taeyeon. You're new here. It's usual for students who are new. Okay." I mumbled and looked around, hoping to see my friend. But because im so 'lucky', i didn't found her.

"Excuse me?" I heard a girl behind me. I looked at the girl. She's really cute and pretty.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Do you know someone named Kim Taeyeon here?" The girl asked.

"She probably dont know. She's new here." The girl beside the other girl said.

"Actually, that's me. Im Kim Taeyeon." I said.

"Really? You're new?" Girl 1 asked. I nodded.

"Ohhhh. I see. Let's go take her at the Principal's office." Girl 2 said.

"Uhh, what? I dont get you." I said.

"Before i can answer that, Im Jessica Jung. This is Yuri Kwon. My best friend." The girl said.

"Sure. Nice to meet you both." I said and they both dragged me to the Principal's Office. They didn't answered my question. Whatever.

"We found Kim Taeyeon, Dad." Yuri said. I almost dropped my jaw. Yuri's Father is the Principal?!

"Good job. Jessica and Yuri you both can go out now. I wanna talk to Ms. Taeyeon privately." Yuri's Dad said. Yuri and Jessica nodded and walked out.

"What was the reason you called me here for, Sir?" I asked.

"I wanna ask you something." He said. I stayed silent, waiting for him to continue.

"Do you like to be in the same class as Yuri and Jessica?" He asked.

"Sure. If i can. Can i?" I asked. I may not look like it but im excited.

"Of course, you can. Here is the room." He gave me a piece of paper. I nodded and walked out of the room.

"Room 307. 3rd floor. 7th door." I mumbled. I saw the room and opened the door and also saw a big ruckus. And here i thought this was gonna be a comfortable school life.

"Oh, it's you." I heard Jessica. Is it just me or did i heard that in a sarcastic mode?

"Dont worry. It's her habit of being quite cold towards others so shrug it off." Yuri said. I nodded slowly.

"Did Jessica-unnie's Daddy asked you to be here?" A cute girl asked. I nodded again.

"Are you mute or what?" A girl with her hair tied into pigtails asked.

"No. Im not. It's just im new here so i dont talk that much." I said.

"Ah, we see." The girl beside the cute girl said.

"Let me introduce you to my friends." Jessica said.

"This is Choi Soo Young but call her Sooyoung. This is Sunny, she dont wanna tell us her real name. This is Im Yoona. This is Seo Ju Hyun but called as Seohyun. This is Kim Hyoyeon, that best dancer we've ever met. And that's what all you need to know." Jessica said.

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