Chapter 7: Obvious Feelings

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Taeyeon's POV

"You really moved on, Tae?" Sunny asked. I nodded.

"That's good." Jessica said. We walked to our classroom and saw no one but our homeroom teacher.

"Uhh, where's everyone?" Yuri asked.

"You girls really forgot that they're in the library doing the important test? You girls are gonna do the test here. Go now." He said and walked out of the room. We shrugged and sat on our seats. The test papers are already there. Great, Math is the first one.

"......?!" That's the atmosphere now. For me that is. I scratched the back of my head, stared at the door, stared blankly at the test paper, and unexpectedly screamed a bit.

"Tae, are you alright? You just screamed." Sunny said.

"Yeah, im alright. This oh-so-important Math test is making me lose my mind!" I yelled.

"Then, you're not alright." Jessica coldly said. I glanced at Tiffany in the corner of my eye and saw her just writing and writing HAPPILY. H. A. P. P. I. L. Y.

"Whatever." I mumbled and continued answering the test like a pro.

[ Timeskip: 30 Minutes Later ]

FINALLY! I finished the test. I placed my pen down and sighed in relief.

"Im hungry." Sooyoung said.

"You always are." Sunny said.

Tiffany's POV

Taeyeon sure recovered. Quickly. Too quickly. Im so happy but curious.

"Let's get some food." Jessica said before putting her pen down after spinning it with her fingers like a pro.

"Whoa, Sica. I didn't knew you could do that." Yuri said. Jessica rolled out her eyes and stood up.

"Girls, you go grab food. If you come late, i'll give you a punishment." Our teacher said. We slowly nodded and walked out of the room. What punishment?

"Yah! Sunny give that back!" Sooyoung yelled while getting her phone out of Sunny's hands.

"Let me see what's inside first, Sooyoung!" Sunny yelled.

"You shorty! Give it back!" Sooyoung yelled. Sunny checked Sooyoung's phone. I peeked on it and saw that she missed a call from...who's Baekhyun?

"Yan, Sooyoung, who's Baekhyun?" I asked.

"Are you dating him?" Yuri asked with a serious tone.

"What do you mean?!" Sooyoung yelled.

"You know our dating rules Sooyoung. Dont keep it a secret between us." Jessica said.

"Im not dating Baekhyun." Sooyoung said.

"Then, what kind of relationship do you guys have??" I asked. Sunny was silently listening to us.

"We're...just best friends." Sooyoung said. Liar. I can see it in her eyes.

"Ah, i see." Jessica said in a sarcastic tone.

"It's true! Believe me guys. You know im not into boys." Sooyoung said.

"Yes, we know that you're not into boys but, people change." Sunny said in quite hurt tone. Is she...jealous??

"YAH!!" I heard a make voice yelled behind us. We turned around and saw twlve boys. (A/N: You know who it is.)

"O. M. O." Yuri said.

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