Chapter 10: Fixing Things Up

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Tiffany's POV

"Baekhyun...?" I asked under my breath.

"Hmph. You know me well, huh?" He asked. I was gonna stand up and run away but he grabbed my wrist tightly.

"Agh! Let go!" I yelled in pain.

"This is a payback for what you did to me and Taeyeon ealier. You made MY Taeyeon cry." He whispered angrily in my ear.

"ME?!" I yelled. Someone covered my mouth, also my nose. I cant breathe normally. I'm having a really hard time to. It wasn't long until i lost conciousness. The last thing i heard was Baekhyun and his pals' footsteps fading away.

[ The Next Day ]

I woked up and saw that i'm in a familiar house. This familiar scent and ceiling...

"Taeyeon...?" I asked while sitting up, holding my head.

"Fany, you're awake." Taeyeon said and slowly hugged me. I blushed and hugged back. I saw the others are also here.

"We were crazy worried about you." Yuri said.

"What happened to me? I dont remember anything that happened last night at all." I said before pulling back.

"I just saw you lying down on the streets this 4:30 in the morning." Yoona said.

"That's right. We saw a handkerchief (dunno if i spelled it right) that was beside you. I guess that's what the thugs used to hold in your breath." Seohyun said.

"Guys, i think i know who did this and whose handkerchief is that from." Jessica said, turning away from her laptop that was on her lap.

"Really? Who?" We asked.

"That handkerchief's from Chen, Baekhyun's friend and of course, the one who ordered Chen to almost kill Tiffany is none other than Baekhyun." Jessica said.

"JIJJA?!" The others yelled. I remember now... Baekhyun says it's a payback.

"I remember it now." I said.

"Tell us the whole story!!" Sunny yelled.

"After i took Sooyoung, Hyoyeon, and Sunny to their house, i sat on a bench and mumbled something in frustation. Then, Baekhyun came up to me then talked sh*ts about making Taeyeon cry. Then someone, who is actually Chen, covered my mouth and nose with that handkerchief. And i lost conciousness." I said.

"Okay, he has gone too far." Yuri said.

"I know. Should we get a payback too?" Sunny asked.

"Nope. We meed to make them apologize to us by..." Jessica stopped.

"Let them buy foods for us?" Sooyoung asked.

"No! Nothing. We'll just make them apologize for doing something so overboard." Jessica said.

"No. I'll talk to Baekhyun and his friends." Taeyeon said.

"But Taeyeon--"

"It'll be alright. Just don't go to school today." Taeyeon cutted me.

"But i wanna go to--"

"Just listen to us for once, Tiffany." Hyoyeon said cutted me off too. I sighed in defeat and nodded.

"Fine. Whatever you say. But hey, be careful alright? I don't want you guys to be hurt too." I said.

"Oh, don't worry. We'll be alright." Seohyun said. I have a really bad feeling about this...

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