Chapter 32: Mysterious Weird Girl

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Seohyun's POV

I'm still thinking of what Yoona-unnie told me at the grocery store when we were alone earlier...


I was looking at the chips that we could eat tonight until Yoona-unnie came and bumped into me.

"Oops, sorry Seobaby." Yoona-unnie said and i blushed

"Stop calling me Seobaby." I said.

"But you are my baby so i can call you that." Yoona-unnie said.

"W-What?? No i'm not!" I said.

"Yes, you are." Yoona-unnie said and pecked my lips which made me blush harder.

"What was that for?!" I yelled.

"Seohyun, even though you say you want space for us, i know you really really want us back together again. But i understand you need time to think about it. At least we still love each other, and that's all that matters for now. I love you and that will never change." Yoona-unnie said with a wink and walked away.

"......" I was speechless. So speechless i can't even move from where i'm standing.

*End Of Flashback*

"Seohyun!" I heard Hyoyeon-unnie yelled.

"What?" I asked.

"We asked you if you're-- What's with you by the way?" Hyoyeon-unnie asked.

"Ummmm, nothing." I said.

"Oh sh*t!!!" Yoona-unnie yelled when the lights turned off. We all screamed in fear and looked around the dark area to search for flashlights.

"Yoona-unnie, watch your language." I said.

"Yeah? Why don't you let go of my hand?" Yoona-unnie asked. Yeah, i'm holding her hand.

"I'm scared." I said and opened the flashlight i found somewhere i don't know.

"Finally found one." I said and pointed it at TaeNy-unnies who are searching for flashlights too.

"Seohyun! Is there any more flashlights?" Taeyeon-unnie asked.

"Uhhh, no." Yoona-unnie said and handed the flashlight to Taeyeon-unnie.

"Thank you, Yoo--" Taeyeon-unnie stopped when we heard the door of the auditorium locks.

"Oh no..." I mumbled.

"The guy who has the key to the auditorium thought that there's no one here because everyone's sleeping at the classrooms!!" Jessica-unnie yelled.

"And now we have to sleep in darkness!" Sooyoung-unnie yelled.

"Cool." A female voice said. We turned around and turned the flashlight at the girl who has shoulder-length black hair and brown eyes.

"Who are you?" We asked.

"I'm Jung Seo Rin. Call me Carlie." The girl said.

"How did you got here without us knowing?" Hyoyeon-unnie asked.

"Well, i was here before you guys got in actually." Carlie said.

"Really? Why are you here?" I asked.

"I was practicing something--"

"YOU?!?!" Carlie was cutted off when Jessica-unnie yelled.

"Oh, the girl who has the same surname as me! Hi ^_^!!" Carlie yelled while waving. She has eyesmile too.

"I have a first name you know! I'm Jessica!!" Jessica-unnie yelled.

"Easy, Sica." Yuri said.

"Oh ._. Okay." Her face becomes blank.

"Are you going to the field trip too?" Taeyeon asked.

"Where are we going actually?" Carlie asked.

"Some peaceful forest i'm sure." Yoona-unnie said.

"F-Forest?" Carlie asked.

"Is ummmm, something wrong?" Tiffany-unnie asked.

"W-Well... My dad got killed in some 'peaceful' forest. There was a rope tied around his neck. He was hanging dead on a tall tree. I bet his corpse is still in there." Carlie said which made me shiver.

'This girl... Is kinda weird!' I thought.

"You haven't brought him down yet?" Taeyeon-unnie asked.

"No." Carlie said.

"I'm scared now." Sunny-unnie said.

"Hey, the girl with the same surname as me, are you scared? I expected you to be so brave because you're so cold." Carlie said.

"MY FIRST NAME IS JESSICA!!! And yes, i'm scared." Jessica-unnie said.

"Awwww!" Yuri-unnie cooed.

"Hey." A voice said. We turned the flashlight on the other girl who's beside Carlie. The other girl is slightly taller than Carlie. The other girl has onyx eyes and long brown hair.

"Who might you be?" I asked.

"I'm Carlie's friend. My name is Kim Yooyeon. Call me Jane." The other girl said.

"Didn't i told you to stay where you are?" Carlie asked.

"I was scared." Jane said.

"Oh, please--"

"To be honest, i don't wanna be in a place without you, Carlie." Jane cutted off Carlie. That was sweet! Does Jane has feelings for Carlie?

"WHOA." We all said except Carlie who has a blank expression. Who are these girls? Where did they came from? They are so weird and mysterious. Especially Carlie.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter! Jane is in 'Detective Im' while Carlie is gonna be in 'Beautiful Wolf'. Beautiful Wolf will be coming up soon!! The next chapter is gonna be special because it's full of TaeNy moment!! ^_^ Bye!

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