Chapter 28: Forget The Fight And Just Hike!!

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[ After The Fight ]

No One's POV

YoonHyun and TaeNy still hasn't made up yet and now they're heading to the hiking place to hike at the DARK.

"Okay, people, we're here." Taeyeon said. Everyone walked out of the car and looked at the hiking place.

"We need to separate and i've decided who's gonna be with who and who." Jessica said.

"Say it, say it." Yuri said.

"Sooyoung and Sunny. Me and Seobang. Yoona and Seohyun. Taeyeon and Tiffany. We'll meet up at the top! Text us if you guys got lost or something alright?" Jessica asked. Everyone nodded and separated with their assigned partners. Secretly, Taeyeon, Tiffany, Jessica, Yuri, Sooyoung, and Sunny stopped at the middle of the hiking place when they saw YoonHyun go further up.

"Guys, we'll scare Seohyun." Sunny said. They went behind Seohyun and hid in the bushes. Yuri pinched Seohyun's feet which got Seohyun screaming in horror and pain.

"AHH!!" Seohyun yelled. Yoona held Seohyun's hand and ran away.

"What was that?!" Yoona asked.

"Someone pinched my feet and i don't know who it is." Seohyun said.

"Ohhh... I s--"

"Y-Yoong... Who's t-that? The girl in white dress walking towards us." Seohyun pointed forward.

"*gulp* T-That's... I don't know! Let's run away!!" Yoona yelled and ran away. Actually, that girl was Yuri.

'Sucess.' Yuri thought and pulled her hair up.

"You were scary, Seobang." Jessica said.

"You know me." Yuri said with an addictive and seductive wink which made Jessica show her seductive smirk.

"Yahhhm don't flirt here, let's go." Taeyeon said.

'And Taeyeon just had to ruin it.' Sooyoung thought.

[ At YoonHyun ]

While running, Seohyun tripped into a twig and fell down on top of Yoona.

"S-Sorry, un--"

"Shhh, i hear someone." Yoona cutted off Seohyun. They heard a creepy noise like 'ghhhhrr...' noise.

"Yoona-unnie, i'm scared." Seohyun said and hid her face on the crook of Yoona's neck. Yoona roamed her eyes around the dark area and saw a small light coming above her.

'The beautiful night sky huh? The beautiful stars...' Yoona thought. As Seohyun' grip got tight on Yoona's arms, the bushes rustled which startled Yoona and Seohyun.

"Unnie, someone's with us." Seohyun said.

[ At SooSun (who got separated witht the others) ]

"Sooyoung, where are we?!" Sunny yelled. Actually, YulSic and Taeny know that they got lost and now they're trying to find SooSun.

"I don't know." Sooyoung said.

"I knew we should've bought a flashlight." Sunny mumbled.

'Ugh.. Being alone with Sunny is freaking weird for me.' Sooyoung thought.

"AHHH!!" Sunny yelled when a hand grabbed her feet. We all know that it's KkabYul's hand. Right?? Right?

"Sunny!" Sooyoung yelled and pulled up the short girl. Sooyoung kicked the hand and heard a groan.

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