Chapter 16: Jealousy and Coldness

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No One's POV

"Well, care to explain, Kim Taeyeon and Hwang Mi Young?" Jessica asked.

"I just kissed Tiffany." Taeyeon said.

"What for?" Yuri asked.

"I, uh, kinda tricked her. Sorry for that Tiffany." Taeyeon said.

"It's okay. I actually knew that you were just lying anyways." Tiffany said like it's no big deal but deep inside, she was really hurt.

"AW MAN!! And here i thought TaeNy is official!!" Taemin and Minho yelled.

"Excuse me?" A handsome boy knocked in the door.

"Taecteon, it's you." Yoona said. Seohyun frowned, nearing Taecyeon's name come out of her soon-to-be-girlfriend's name. (A/N: Yep! It's YoonHyun's era!)

"Oh, hey Yoona. Anyways, where is the nurse?" Taecyeon asked.

"Uhm, she went somewhere we probably don't know. So yeah, go." Seohyun said which made everyone look at her.

"Okay..." Taecyeon said and walked away from the nurse's office.

"That's was surprising." Yuri said. Seohyun ignored Yuri and sat on a chair.

"Is my Hyunnie jelly??" Yoona asked with her cute voice. Everyone groaned in defeat.

"I'm not." Seohyun said.

"Awww, you are so cute." Yoona said and kissed Seohyun's forehead. Seohyun didn't even budged...or blushed. Seohyun usually blushes when Yoona's doing these kinds of thing and it also surprised the others, especially Yoona.

'Yep, she's jealous.' Sooyoung thought.

"Whatever. I'm going home. Gonna get prepared for the vacation. See you guys." Seohyun said and grabbed her bag before walking out of the nurse's room.

"Is something wrong with her?!" Yoona yelled. After a few minutes of silence, Seohyun came back with a (-.-*) expression on her face. And it looks like some water spilled on her.

"What's with you?" Sunny asked.

"Water. Sehun." Seohyun said.

"Sehun did this?! That guy!!" Key yelled.

"How did it got on you?" Yoona asked.

"At the hallway, i tripped into some rope and a buket of water spilled over me." Seohyun said.

"Those troublemakers." Yuri said.

"You're one to talk, Yul." Jessica said. Yuri blushed and looked away.

"SOOYEON-UNNIE!!" Krystal and Amber ran into the room, locking it and finally turning to the really surprised girls and boys.

"Is something wrong, you two?" Jessica asked.

"I know i'm not allowed to tell you this but Taecyeon-oppa is trying to get Yoona-unnie!" Krystal yelled.

"JINJJA?!" Everyone yelled, excluding Tiffany.

'Taecyeon? OH! The hot guy from earlier? Ah, i see.' Tiffany thought.

"So Seohyun-unnie, Yoona-unnie, be careful on your surroundings." Amber said. Yoona nodded while Seohyun just shrugged.

"What's the worst that could happen anyway?" Seohyun asked bluntly.

"You will get jealous and cry then get angry." Jessica said.

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