Special Chapter #2: Cold Jung (YulSic Special)

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A/N: This is an another spin-off chapter~!! It's YulSic time! I've decided that i'm gonna end things here at this chapter because i'm tired. Yeah, this is the last chapter of this book and now i'm saying goodbye and see you at the sequel~!!

No One's POV

"Taeyeon, stop it! It hurts!"

"Look Yul, you're not gonna get far if you're just gonna whine like a kid!"

"Stop pushing!"

"Then move forward!!"

Taeyeon and Yuri were pushing each other at the loooooong line on the cafeteria.

"Yul, let's just eat outside dude!" Taeyeon yelled.

"But i wanna eat here." Yuri said.

"Let's just go." Taeyeon said.

"You just wanna meet your girlfriend, Tiffany right?" Yuri asked which made Taeyeon blushed and nod.

"Fine, fine. Let's go." Yuri said. Taeyeon squealed and they ran outside the cafeteria and ended up bumping into two girls.

"Oh my gosh, Taetae?!" A certain someone asked.

"No way, this is your girlfriend?" Another girl asked but this girl's tone is cold. Taeyeon and Yuri got up by the help of Tiffany.

"Fany-ah! Jessica!" Taeyeon yelled and hugged the two girls while Yuri is stunned seeing the Jessica girl.

'She's so pretty.' Yuri thought. Taeyeon let go of the two girls and smiled dorkily.

"Yuri, this is my girlfriend Tiffany and my friend Jessica. Jessica, Tiffany, this is my best friend Yuri." Taeyeon said.

"Hi, Yuri!" Tiffany yelled.

"Yeah, hi." Yuri said.

"Come on, Jessi, say hi." Tiffany said.

"Hello." Jessica said. Yuri blushed.

"H-Hi." Yuri stuttered which made Jessica smirk.

'So she likes Jessica? Why did she stuttered?' Taeyeon thought.

"Why don't we eat outside now? It's crowded in here." Taeyeon said and held Tiffany's hand. The three nodded and went outside. TaeNy were in front while YulSic were in the back, awkwardly standing beside each other.

'Why is my heart beating so fast?' Yuri thought.

'Now this is awkward.' Jessica thought.

"Huh? Where in the world-- Taeyeon where are you?" Yuri asked.

"Did they just left us?" Jessica asked.

"Probably." Yuri said and looked around.

"Yup, they totally left us." Yuri said.

"Those two are so... Dead." Jessica said.

"Okay, okay, maybe they're just somewhere around in the school. Besides, the school is big... And... There are impossibilities that we'll find them in time before lunch ends. They're dead. I'll kill them." Yuri said.

"See? I told you." Jessica said and walked away.

"Yah, yah, where are you going?!" Yuri yelled.

"I'm gonna find those two." Jessica said.

"Yah, let's go together!" Yuri yelled and held Jessica's hand. The two girls blushed and Yuri immediately let go.

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